Motivation in Practice

Finacial Rewards


Wages (time rates)

Wages (piece rates)


Profit-Related Pay

Performance-related pay

Employee share-ownership

Fringe Payments

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In sometime, is a kind of bonus but in shares rather than cash. Or, the second way is by employees allowed to purchase shares through a payroll deduction.

The amount and employee receives linked to the amount of profit the business makes.

Employees paid by unit.

Employees paid by a sum of money per month.

Are paid an hourly rate, or for a numbers of hours per week.

Paid by results, a flat fee or a precentage for each item sold.

Bonus paid in addition to the employee's ordinary compensation.

Types of extras businesses offer their employees.

Example: For every 1 dollar, the employee invests in shares the company will give the employee's contribution with 0.50

A store has not the sufficient profit, so this leads employees to receive less money in their salary

Artisans receive this type of payment depending on the vessels they are.

425 dollars is the basic salary of an ecuadorian worker

Example: Sales staff, for example, are given a commission based on the number of sales they make

In U.S, the wages are paid by hour around 20 dollars. Employees can work more or less than 8 hours, but even if they dont produce, they will receive those 20 dollars per hour each day.

Examples: health insurance, workers' compensation, retirement plans, and family and medical leave.

If an employee does more successfully its work than the other, the business decides to give more money.