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Domain 3 Instruction - Coggle Diagram
Domain 3
Communicating with Students
Students can explain the content to their classmates.
Teacher points out possible areas for misunderstanding.
Teacher explains content clearly and imaginatively, using metaphors and analogies to bring the context to life.
Students suggest other strategies they might use for the task
Teacher uses rich language, offering vocabulary lessons both for general vocabulary and for the discipline.
Students are able to explain what they're learning and how it fits into the larger curriculum.
Students use academic language correctly.
Teacher vocabulary is inappropriate to the age or culture of students.
Teacher communication includes errors of vocabulary or usage or Imprecise. use of academic language.
Students show through their questions that they are confused about the learning task.
Teacher makes serious content error that will affect students understanding of the lesson.
Students indicate through body language or questions that they don't understand the content.
Teacher never says what the students will be learning.
Teachers' vocabulary and usage are correct but unimaginative.
Teacher must clarify the learning task so students can complete it.
Partially successful academic vocabulary explanations.
Explanation of content is purely procedural, with no indications of how students can think strategically.
Did you ever get our Larry is too advanced, or too juvenile for students?
Teacher mostly monologues content with minimal participation or engagement by students.
Teacher makes no serious content errors, but may make minor ones.
Teacher explains a little bit about what the students will be learning.
Students are engaged with the learning task, showing that they understand what they are to do.
Teacher describe specific strategies students might use, inviting them to interpret in different contexts of what they're learning.
Teachers vocabulary and usage are correct and entirely appropriate to the lesson. Including academic vocabulary.
No content errors.
Vocabulary is appropriate for students.
Explanation of content is clear and invite student participation in thinking.
If appropriate, the teacher models the procedure to be followed in the task.
Teacher clearly states what students will be learning.
Use of oral and written language
Explanations of content
Directions for activities
Expectations for learning
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Students extend the discussion, enriching it.
The teacher builds on and uses students responses to questions and order to deepen understanding.
Students invite comments from their classmates during discussion and challenge one another's thinking.
Virtually all students are engaged in the discussion.
Students initiate high ordered questions.
Teacher doesn't ask student to explain their thinking.
All discussion is between teacher and students. Students are not invited to speak with one another.
Questions don't invite thinking.
Questions are rapid fire and convergent with single correct answers.
A few students dominate the discussion.
Teacher invites students to respond directly to one another, but few students respond.
Some questions are designed to promote student thinking, some may have single correct answers, and the teacher calls on students quickly.
Teacher calls on many students, but only a small number actually participate.
Teacher asks for students to explain their reasoning, but only some do.
The teacher calls on most students, even those who don't initially volunteer.
Discussions with students enable them to talk with one another without mediation by teacher.
Many students actively engage in the discussion.
Efficient use of wait time.
Uses open-ended questions, inviting students to think and or offer multiple possibilities.
When asked to justify their reasoning, most students attempt to do so.
Discussion techniques
Student participation
Quality of questions/prompts
Engaging Students in Learning
Grouping of students
Instructional materials and resources
Activities and assignments
Structure and pacing
Lessons require high level student thinking and explanation.
All students are engaged in the lesson.
Students take initiative to improve the lesson.
Modifying tasks to make it more meaningful or relevant to themselves.
Suggesting modifications to the grouping pattern.
Suggest modifications or additions to the materials being used.
Students have a chance for reflection and closure on lessons to consolidate their understanding.
Materials are unsuitable to the lesson and the students.
Learning tasks require only recall or have a single correct response or method.
Lesions drag or are rushed.
Few students are intellectually engaged in the lesson.
Only one type of an instructional group is used when variation would promote more student engagement.
Learning tasks are a mixed of thinking and recall.
Some students are engaged in the lesson.
Student engagement is largely passive, the learning the consists primarily effects or procedure.
Materials and recess resources are partly aligned to the lesson.
Few materials and resources require students thinking and explain.
Pacing of lesson is uneven.
Instructional grouping are used partially appropriate to the activities.
Most tasks have multiple correct responses, approaches and or encourage higher order thinking.
Most students are engaged in the lesson.
Students are invited to explain their thinking as part of completing tasks.
Materials and resources support learning and intellectual engagement as appropriate.
The pacing of the lesson provides students the time needed to be intellectually engaged.
Groupings are suitable to the lesson activities.
Using Assessment in Instruction
Students monitor their own understanding.
Teacher is constantly moderating the students understanding. Making sure it is sophisticated, continuous use of strategies to elicit information about students understanding.
High quality feedback is given from many sources, including students. It is specific and focused on improvement.
Students show that they clearly understand the characteristics of high-quality work, and students have helped establish the criteria.
Students don't evaluate their own or classmates work.
Students receive no feedback, or feedback is global or directed only to one student.
No effort used to determine whether students understand the lesson.
teacher shows no example of high quality work
feedback is vague and not oriented towards future improvement.
Understanding is modern through a single method or without eliciting evidence of understanding from students.
Only minor attempts are made to engage students in self or peer assessment.
Little evidence that students understand their work will be evaluated.
Students are invited to make self assessments and make improvements. Most do so.
The teacher elicits evidence of students understanding.
Feedback gave specific and timely guidance. At least four groups of students.
Teacher makes standards of high quality work clear.
Monitoring of student learning
Feedback to students
Assessment criteria
Student self-assessment and monitoring of progress
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Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
a lesson is "finished" when every student understands and has a broad range of approaches to use
seizes teachable moments to enhance lesson
outside sources contacted for assistance in reaching students
adjustments to lessons and are designed to assist individual students
teacher conveys difficulty learning is the students' faults
teacher brushes aside students' questions
Teacher ignores indications of students' boredom and lack of understanding
teacher does not indicate that it is important to reach all students.
no adjustments in lessons when students are confused
teacher conveys students' responsibility for their learning but is uncertain about how to assist them.
some attempts are made to incorporate students' questions and interests
teacher desires to reach all students but doesn't suggest strategies for doing so
attempt to adjust the lesson is somewhat successful
teacher offers other approaches when experience difficulty
incorporates interests and question in the lesson
multiple approaches taken to reach students having difficulty
teacher makes improvised adjustments to the lesson
Response to students
Lesson adjustment