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Number of phases
5 phases
Phase 3 - Participant - Observation Practice
Compare the main theories on foreign language acquisition within the context of the pedagogical practice scenario.
Phase 4 - Participant - Observation Practice
Evaluate teaching strategies used within the classroom based on the student's learning characteristics.
Phase 2 - Participant - Observation Practice
Examine the factors that influence the process of foreign language acquisition and learning methodically and in detail within the pedagogical practice scenarios.
Phase 5 - Final Activity
Set up a proposal related to the new assessment approaches in the classroom environment.
Phase 1 - Recognition Activity
Record a video with a brief introduction of the course, and the main information about the pedagogical practice.
Number of units
2 units
Unit 1 - Foreign Language Acquisition from the Theory to the Practice
Unit 2 - Learning Trends in Foreign Language
Learning outcomes
Learning Outcome 3:
is related to Phase 3
Learning Outcome 4:
is related to Phase 4
Learning Outcome 2
: is related to Phase 2
Learning Outcome 5:
is related to Phase 5
Learning Outcome 1:
is related to Phase 1
Course description
It's a methodological course
(theoretical practical)
It's part of the path of the practical component of the program in the phase of Participant observation
It's close with problems registered in the
disciplinary fields
It requires 32 hours of practice
It's part of the specific disciplinary field of the program
Pedagogical and educative practice route for LILEI
It has 14 courses and 40 credits
Specific Regulations for Pedagogical and Educative Practice - PEP
Norms and guidelines of each school or program, which regulate and define the conditions and activities necessary for the exercise of pedagogical practices.
Teacher in training
UNAD undergraduate student acquiring the competencies of the teaching profession.
Pedagogical and Educative Practice – PEP
Comprises the disciplinary, pedagogical, and investigative component, and the social and cultural practices in which the teacher in training is immersed.
Nature and offer of the practice component course
Methodological course:
relates theory-practice for understanding, transferring, and investigating knowledge in a disciplinary or professional field in context.
Practical course:
promotes the mobilization of theories, concepts, and procedures in simulated or physical scenarios.
Practical component
Its purpose is to acquire, generate and strengthen the student's disciplinary and professional competencies.
Pre practice seminar
Is a strategy of the School of Education to help the teachers in training to get ready administratively and to assign the practice scenario a previous period before starting the pedagogical and educative practice.
ECEDU Bachelor’s Degree programs
Programs in transition
Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy, Bachelor’s Degree in Ethnoeducation, and Bachelor’s Degree of Mathematics.
Programs with renewed registration
Bachelor’s Degree in Ethnoeducation, Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, and Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages with Emphasis in English.
The accompanying teachers of practice interact with a group of student interns through synchronous meetings during the observation and immersion stages.
Principles of action
Promotion of protective environments for children and adolescents
Integrity of the teaching Pedagogical practice
Dialogicity among educational actors
Respect for differences
Excellence in service
It allows to realice simulated pedagogical practices based on problem situations to strengthen training competences.
Normative references
The first laws were the Law 30 and 115 of 1994 until the last Resolution 21795 of November 19, 2020
It establishes the parameters for self-evaluation, verification, and evaluation of program quality conditions.
Chapter IV
Principles of action of the trainee teacher in Pedagogical and educative practice
Article 14. Principles of action of pedagogical and educative practice
Chapter VI
Pre practice seminar
Article 16. Assignment of pedagogical and educative practice scenarios
Article 17. Pre practice seminar
Chapter V: Definition of the academic network of pedagogical and educative practices
Article 15. Actors in the Academic network of pedagogical and educative practice
Chapter VIII: Duties and rights of undergraduate trainee teachers in the development of their pedagogical and educative practice
Article 21. Duties of teachers in training
Article 22. Rights of teachers in training
Chapter III: Curricular aspects of the formative route of pedagogical and educative practice
Article 11. Homologation of the courses of the pedagogical and educative practice training rute
Article 12. Work experience is not allowed as an accreditation course
Article 10. Courses of the pedagogical and educative practice training route
Article 13. Activities in the practice scenario
Article 9. Course registration
Article 8. Prerequisites
Chapter VII: Monitoring and evaluation of pedagogical and educative practice
Article 19. Evaluation of pedagogical and educative practice
Article 20. Causes for failure of the pedagogical and educative practice course
Article 18. Learning evaluation
Chapter I: Definition and purpose
Article 2: Purpose.
Establish the conditions and provisions that guide the development of practical activities.
Article 1. Definition
Chapter II
Generalities and definitions
Article 5. Nature and offer of the practice component course
Article 6. Teacher in training
Article 4. Pedagogical and Educative Practice
Article 7. Pedagogical and educative practice route
Article 3. Practical component
Chapter IX: Certification of pedagogical and educative practice
Article 23. Practice scenarios must comply with current legal regulations
Article 24. The regulation is effective from the date of its approval