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Religions of the World - Coggle Diagram
Religions of the World
The Buddha preached his first sermon to 5 companions. The first sermon became a landmark and in it he laid out his 4 main ideas that he called the Four Noble Truths.
The first 5 monks were the 5 disciples who were there to hear the Buddha's first sermon
The four noble truths
life is filled with suffering and sorrow
the cause of all suffering is people selfish desire for the temporary pleasures of this world
the way to end all suffering is to end all desires
the way to overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the eightfold path, which is called the middle way between desires and self denial
“What is the Middle Way? . . . It is the Noble Eightfold Path—Right Views, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. This is the Middle Way.”
Following the middle way/eightfold path to enlightenment can help you reach nirvana
Nirvana is = to Moksha in hinduism
there are many things that make hinduism and Buddhism similar,both%20unlike%20most%20major%20religions
Was there any administration below the Buddha, Monks and Nuns?
The Religious Community, The Dharma and The Buddha make up the "3 jewels of Buddism
The Monks and Nuns had to take vows to live a life of poverty, never be violent and never marry
Is there still a good amount of people that believe in this religion?
It is estimated that around 506 million people still practice Buddism, which is roughly 6.6% of the world population
Yes, The Religious Community
Unlike hinduism can be traced back to 1 singular founder
Siddhartha Gautama is buddha
Prophecy supposedly said that if he stayed home he would be a great ruler, and if he left he would be a spiritual leader
There are three different types of Buddhism,)%2C%20Mahayana%2C%20and%20Vajrayana
Jesus was raised in the village of Nazareth in Northern Judea
When Jesus was 30 he started his ministry publicly.
For the next three years he preached, did good works, taught and reportedly performed miracles
His teachings were many ideas from Jewish tradition
Such as monotheism (belief in one God), loving others, and the principals of the 10 commandments
God had promised that a savior known as the Messiah would arrive and then restore the kingdom of Jews.
After two decades they started to believe that the savior arrived
Website about Christianity:
What is Christianity?
Christianity is the religion based on the person and the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
Or it's beliefs and practices of Jesus
How did Jesus die?
He was crucified, nailed to a large cross and left there to die
He was accused of a “crime” and got arrested, and got the death penalty
Website about Jesus’ death:
somewhere between 750 BCE and 550 BCE teachers first tried to interpret the vedic hymns.
(more in depth description of vedic hymns)
hinduism is a collection of beliefs
They believe in both Atman and Brahman
Atman : An individuals soul
Brahman : the whole worlds soul and that everything is an aspect of Brahman
The Hindu's have thousands of deities
Three big deities are
Brahma (The Creator)
Website to more info on Brahma,prominently%20mentioned%20in%20creation%20legends
Vishnu (the Protector)
Website with more info on Vishnu,the%20gods%20Krishna%20and%20Rama
Shiva (The Destroyer)
website with more info about Shiva
Understanding Brahman + Atman = Moksha
They also believe in in good and bad karma that follows you into the next life.
The believe in reincarnation, and have sacred animals
Cows, monkeys, birds, and elephants are some of the sacred animals
How do Hindus view the general state of human life?
Link that helped answer this question
Hindus believe in reincarnation.
Unlike many religions can not be traced back to one specific founder.
What is Hindusim? (in the sense of monotheistic or polytheistic since multiple deities exist)
How did they first about sacred animals & the belief of reincarnation?
How do hinduism and jainism encourage moral conduct?
this idea goes back to how karma follows you from one lifetime to another
Almost 1 BILLION people practice hinduism in the world today
Creating other religions
some people speculate that that Upanishads created buddhism along with Jainism
Like hinduism they are pretty tolerant of other religions so they don't push their faith onto others
Also believe everything in the universe has a soul so they are also non violent.
this is why almost all 5 million are in India
Mahavira born in about 599 BCE was the founder of Jainism
His teachings oppose hinduism because he opposed most rituals because he saw them unnecessary
Thought they could achieve moksha by giving up their worldly possessions and carefully controlling their actions
they do not lie and avoid stealing
Strive to eliminate many thing from their lives
4 more items...
They usually live outside and only seek shelter during the rainy season
Those who are very devote usually become monks or nuns
those not as devout are asked to periodically fast during festivals and holidays and limit worldly possessions
Judaism :
They believe in Monotheism, they believe in one God
They follow 10 commandments
The 10 commandments
Kingdom of Israel is where they worshipped their god
How did the Kingdom of Israel feel about outside tribes?
Saul the first of three Kings, was chosen because of his success and he drove the Philistines out of the central hills
After Saul's death his son in law David became king he was successful just like Saul but David untied tribes outside of the Kingdom.
Solomon Davids son, built a Temple in the City Jerusalem to worship god
Solomon was the most powerful out of all three kings
What caused the Kingdom of Israel to split in 2?
Solomon's building project put the Kingdom in serious finance trouble
The kingdom split into 2: Israel in the north, and Judah in the south
Eventually the North kingdom was destroyed, Kingdom of Judah remained and the Israelites came to called the Jews and their religion Judaism
Jewish people worship God in holy places known as Synagogues
More about Synagogues and Judaism as a religion:,about%2014%20million%20Jews%20worldwide
Moses lead the Israels out of slavery
God commanded that the Israelites to be led out of Egypt and Moses obeyed
from about 1022 B.C. to 922 B.C. the Israelites were under 3
kings Saul, David, and Soloman
David was more successful than Saul
Solomon was the most powerful out of all three kings
Saul was a very respected King but the least powerful out of all
All Kings in religion history: