Extraintestinal: anaemia (iron, vitamin B12, folic acid), anorexia, wt loss, short stature/growth failure, irritability, alopecia, osteoporosis/tooth enamel defects, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, amenorrhoea, fertility disorders, abnormal liver biochem, chronic fatigue
Iron deficiency is common: iron is used to make haemoglobin which is stored in red blood cells and carries oxygen around the body providing your cells with energy, when you are low in iron you experience fatigue because your cells don't have enough oxygen to produce energy to function.
Iron found in: meats, fish, iron fortified breads/cereals, legumes, green leafy veg, nuts/dried fruit, eggs. eating vitamin c with iron will increase absorption such as fruit, veg (tom, capsicum, broccoli). Avoid drinking tea, coffee at same time as iron foods