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Consequences of Global Climate Change - Coggle Diagram
Consequences of Global Climate Change
Carbon stored in ice, oceans & the biosphere
Organic matter in ice cannot decay so carbon trapped in permafrost
Permafrost thaws -> organic matter starts to decay -> microbes consume dead matter -> CO2 and CH4 released (GHG's)
Glacial flour - as ice sheets expand and retreat, rocks below them are ground to fine powder. That mixes with dead matter and is added to soil
Net Carbon Sink - balance in Carbon since
inc in 3 Celsius
permafrost melts
CO2 & CH4 released as enhanced GH effect
leads to <---
However, balanced cz during summers, inc vegetation, plants absorb more CO2 than melting permafrost is releasing
Permafrost - 1 major carbon store. It entered as glacial ice sheets repeatedly expanded and retreated over successive ice ages
Carbon cycle - major stores like atmosphere, oceans, ice sheets, living orgs, dead matter, fossil fuel reserves, carbonate rocks.
Oceans - Carbon sink
inc in surface level of carbon in ocean
more acidic -> marine org
conc. of carbonate ions decreased
capacity of ocean to absorb CO2 decreased
marine orgs - photo plankton eaten by heterotrophs so conc of CO2 inc with every trophic level
Tipping point - balance between gains&losses switches from stable equi. to unstable
2 - no precipitation & drought -> no vegetation -> CO2 stays in atmosphere -> prone to forest fires -> if happens, more CO2 released and those plants absorbing CO2 will die
1 - as mentioned above that summer -> vegetation -> CO2 absorbed
Case Studies
Greenland + Antarctic ice sheet
Facts & Statistics
Glacial retreat occurring in Himalayas of Asia, Rocky mountains in NA, Andes in SA.
Since 1850, glaciers in Europe lost 30% + of their SA and V of ice.
Retreat of glaciers from 1900-2000 caused 20% rise in sea levels (0.4 mm/yr)
Study - 75% glacier loss between 1851-2010 due to natural factors
69% glacier loss between 1991-2010 due to anthropogenic factors
Antarctic ice sheet - 90% world's ice - sea level rise by 40m
Arctic ice sheet - 10% world's ice - sea level rise by 7m
Changing sea levels + water in ice & oceans
Zone of Ablation - lower zone of glacier where moisture is lost than added (evaporation)
DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM - year after year if the glacier advances and retreats (same amt)
Zone of Accumulation - upper zone of glacier where moisture is added than lost (input as snow)
Glacial retreat -> inc in flow of meltwater streams, later decline cz glacier ice supply diminishes -> less evaporation -> less precipitation -> drought
Earths warm climate -> glaciers and polar ice sheets melt -> causes glacial retreat and shrinking of Arctic and Antarctic ice caps -> during winters cool temps -> glaciers and ice caps expand
glacial retreat -> bare rock & soil exposed -> more time to colonize by vegetation -> vulnerable to erosion, rock falls, landslides
Glacio - Eustatic rise/fall in sea level - result of begin/end of an ice age causing widespread melting/freezing
effect on tourism cz glacial retreat -> loss of tourists -> economic decline
Eustatic Change - rise/fall in sea level occurs globally due to change in volume of ocean water
thermal expansion - temp of water inc, it expands, rise in sea level (greater cause than melting)
impact on coastal communities due to erosion by storm waves rather than simple flooding