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APUSH, America Expands and the Lead up to the Civil War, Ken Burns The…
Navigation Acts
- English laws that regulated trade w/ other countries and English colonies
- all colonial exports must go through England
13 Colonies
New England Colonies
Massachusetts (MVP)
willing to listen to natives
- taught how to fish, farm, hunt
Rhode Island
escape religious persecution in MA
- anyone not Puritan/Protestant (Quakers, Jews, Catholics)
originally settled by Dutch, New Netherlands
Middle Colonies
- diverse populations
- religious toleration
- industry in cities, agriculture outside cities
- "bread basket colonies"
- all began as Dutch colonies
- NY central trading center for New World
- PA most religiously tolerant
- PA and MD fought over DE for sea access
Southern Colonies
Virginia (MVP)
created w/ goal of profit (almost led to demise)
- searched for gold instead of planting crops
- men outnumbered women (families couldn't grow)
- fought w/ natives
- 80% gone within first few years
North and South Carolina
massive plantations w/ tobacco, indigo, rice
- mercantilism
- religious toleration (escape Euro)
early settlements
West Indies
sugar crowded out other crops, Caribbean dependent on North for resources
9.2.22 notes
descendants of New England settlers limited prospects
- supply of land dwindled
- need to explore farther to get land (west)
triangle trade
- Americas (raw materials)
- Euro (manufactured goods)
- Africa (slaves)
strategies documents
- Historical Context - connect document to historical events/broader historical trends
- Intended Audience - inform/influence
- Purpose (Author's) - hope to accomplish? why writing doc?
- POV - how does author's background/position impact message (race, class, gender, age, region, occupation, values, incentives)?
Transition to Peace
Great Depression
everyday people levered to the hilt in the stock market; when it went down, margin calls wiped out investors
people sold cars, tractors, and other durable goods to cover everyday expenses
Hoover struggles to address crisis
- The Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1932 gave loans to corporations but not individuals (big mistake)
FDR's New Deal
The Brain Trust
- smartest economists and leaders to come up w/ ideas to end depression
scopes monkey trial
- pass law in TN that bans teaching of evolution
- harms Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christian movements
- don't attack public education again until 1990's
Dawes Plan 1924
- US banks lended billions to German gov
- replace Empire dollar w/ German dollar
- new currency backed up by US dollars
Weimar Republic
- wasn't getting enough tax money
- printed money and caused hyper-inflation
- unemployment, failing factories
hyper inflation
- people using wheel barrows for money
- German mark becomes worthless
- foreign suppliers begin to reject German mark
- most blamed Weimar Republic for suffering
- normal living became impossible
Germany parties split into nazi party, communist part, and social democrats
Immigration Act of 1924
- attempt to limit East and South European immigration
- no more than 2% of country population could immigrate per year
- only applied to dark Europeans
- Japanese joined Chinese as 100% banned
- Canada and Central + South American not included (wanted cheap farm labor)
industrial economy
Gasoline Era
- Henry Ford ramps up assembly line
- Model A, Model T
Scientific Management
- apply scientific principles to business
test topics
cult of domesticity
- social system designed to limit woman's influence to home and family
- rooted in republican motherhood
Constitution, fed vs anti-fed
dangerous south
Black Codes
- property ownership/leasing
- sale of luxury goods
- move freely through public spaces
- criminalized black unemployment/working in white industry
- incomes
- businesses
- segregation (separate bathrooms, restaurants, etc.)
- attempt to restrict voting
Pacific Railroad act
north afraid south would make railroad go through TX and AK instead of CO, Nebraska, etc.
13th amendment
some rejected at first, but ratified it later
19th century
Native Americans
issues on reservations
- alcoholism
- abuse and rape
Battle of Little Bighorn
natives begun attacks after white settlers discovered gold in the black hills which was sacred to the Sioux people
cities that employed thousands of steel workers gave rise to ancillary businesses that supported those workers, and so on
viewed immigrants as unwanted; Irish didn't want to get knocked down the social latter by immigrants
Women's Rights Movement
first states
CO (1893), UT & ID (1896)
Progressive Era
The Mexican Issue
1900-1910 Mexico went through many presidents
- shot, thrown out of office, or parliamentary coup
Pancho Villa wants to see US and Mexico go to war
- unite Mexico under strong leader (Pancho)
Argentina, Brazil, Chile created Treaty so US would respect Mexican sovereignty and US would be able to defend
Tampico Incident
- US enabled to hunt down Pancho Villa
- Pancho killed many US engineers and US reacted
- Mexican president to be replaced
- US can hunt down Pancho Villa
- US won't go to war against Mexico
South America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) negotiated treaty between Mexico and US
Eugenics Program
Americans, not Germans, established the principles of Eugenics
women's prisons didn't really exist, so they were sent to mental institutions
Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act
- women can't get fired for giving birth
Teddy Roosevelt
The Big Stick policy of TR
- built up the navy (Great White Navy) to intimidate other nations
- "Speak softly and carry a big stick. That will bring you far."
Big Stick meets Monroe Doctrine
- Monroe Doctrine - US and Euro will not interfere with each other
- updated doctrine where U.S. would seize customs houses and pay off Latin and South American debts to prevent Euro interference
Political Reform
- elections to recall an elected official from office
the social pyramid according to Marx
- money @ top of social pyramid
- "we rule you" - robber barons, kings
- "we fool you" - religious leaders
- "we shoot you" - police, military
- "we eat for you" - middle class (bourgeoisie)
- "we feed you, we work for you" - factory workers, farmers
Progressive Acts
- Big Business gets a gut punch
- Meat Packaging Inspection Act (1906) - all meat crossing state line must be inspected for freshness and disease
- the Food and Drug Act (1906) - regulated the proper labeling of food and ingredients
Elkins Act and Hepburn Act - railroads forbidden to take or give rebates and bribes (problem because competitors could get goods sidelined in rail yards or slow trains)
Panama Canal
- took 10 years
- transporting gold from west to east was costly and time consuming
- TR went straight to Panamanians which helped create an independent nation free from Columbia
Civil War
confederacy names after rivers, union after towns
key battles
North victories
Battle of Antiedam
Lincoln announces Emancipation proclamation
- all states in rebellion will have slaves set free @ year end
- ends threat of foreign involvement (already abolished slavery)
- made war about slavery
Shiloh is first real battle (TN)
- both sides realize how bloody it will get
Battle of Vicksburg
cuts TX, LA, and AR off from confederacy (cuts it in half)
Study Guide Gilded Age
Sherman Antitrust Act
- broke up monopolies
- response to robber barons like Rockefeller and Morgan
- republicans looking to end corruption
- reform the govt
why did Cleveland lose in 1888 election
- pension reforms
- inflation
- tariff reductions
U.S. Grant's appeal to voters; what was he accused of
- Civil War hero
- waved bloody shirt from all the men he killed
- accused of being a bloody war monger
- killed 70k men in 2 months in 1864 (Cold Harbour, Wilderness)
Pendleton Act
- ends gov corruption by forcing public officials to take a test
- Civil Service Test tests for competency in certain branch
what caused the house to flip in 1874
- recession of 1874
- flip from Republican to Democrats (slows reconstruction)
- caused by ending of silver as currency
Wormley Agreement
- elects Rutherford B. Hayes
- ends reconstruction
People's Party
- allow for direct elections of senators (people vote instead of party bosses)
- abolish electoral college
- against immigration
- want silver back (16:1 silver to gold) - bad politics
- higher wages (push for first minimum wage)
- shorter work day
- government of all rail and telegraphs
what state could women vote in first
scandal involving the selling of bad food to Native People on Reservations
- Belknap scandal
- was the secretary of war
anti-corruption political movements
- mugwumps
- People's Party
- half breeds (earlier version of mugwumps)
- reformist presidents - Cleveland (D; 1885 & 1993) and Garfield (R; 1881)
- Garfield was voted in as a corruption buster
3 major labor unions
- National Labor Union
- Knights of Labor
- American Federation of Labor
what are Robber Barons
- rich industrialists of late 19th century
Vertical Integration
- own all steps to produce a product
Haymarket Massacre
- involved Knights of Labor
- anarchist threw stick of dynamite that killed lots of people
- weakened the Knights of Labor
significance of Homestead Strike
- first major labor strike in American History
- Homestead steel mill owned by Andrew Carnegie
effect of railroads
- urbanization
- mass transport of goods & people
who founded HBCU
- Grover T. Washington
- Historically Black Community Universities
what drove Jews out of Euro
Russia loses Baltic states, Poland, and other land
14 points of light
- abolishment of secret treaties
- freedom of the seas
- arms reduction across Euro
- ethnic sovereignty - any ethnic group that is a large part of a country can have their own country (Poland)
- The League of Nations (early UN)
- remove econ barriers
- adj of colonial claims (strip Germany of colonies)
- conquered territories in Russia (Ukraine) go back to Russia
- restore Belgian sovereignty
- Italy more territory for dying Austo-Hungarian empire
- redraw Bulkan boundaries
- limitations on Turkey
- est independent Poland
Zimmerman Telegram
- Germany sent telegram to Mexico to seek support if US went to war on French side
- republican Congress declared war w/o president support
Sedition Act
- can be arrested for anti-American views
Shenck v United States
- national security trumps 1st amendment rights
- "Clear and Present Danger" - 1st can be suspended
German talks for peace
- Wilson demanded Democratic German gov
- democratic gov unpopular
- led to WWII because if there was a Kaiser, Hitler couldn't have gained his platform
Treaty of Versailles (worst ever)
- forced Germany to take fault for war
- Germany to pay $150bn golden marks
- German army reduced (it was the police) - can't control rise of Communist and Nazi party
- Germany lost territory
- all German colonies surrendered and partitioned out
League of Nations
- most of Euro joined
- US didn't join because US didn't want to lose power
- Wilson, strongest supporter, got stroke and bill to join died
- perpetuated isolationist policy
melting pot of causes
The Entente (later Triple Entent)
- France
- Russia
- Britain (joins after Belgium)
Tripple Alliance
- Germany
- Austria-Hungary
- Italy
Germany wants to expand
- a place under the sun (Africa)
- only way to get territory is to fight empires
world runs out of colonies (1914)
- every piece of land owned by an empire
- only way to expand is to fight established power
Euro instability
- Socialism spreading in Euro
- weak govs (haven't modernized fast enough)
- riots, angry poor
triggers of WWII
Kaiser abdicates thrown, replaced by democratic gov
Germany loses western territory
- 20 year conflict on border between Poland and Germany
bad financial shape after Revolution
- little money from taxes
- high public debt from war
- worthless paper money
as originally ratified, the Constitution provided for an electoral college
The Gilded Age
railroad boom
- increased outlets for trade
- birth and expansion of steel industry
- population of the west exploded
Native Americans see massive loss in independence
- wiped out buffalo herds that were essential to Indian tribes
- diced up Indian land
Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
- rules for railroad transport rates
- rates must be published
- forbade discrimination in business practice
- set up Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to regulate transport industry (initially super weak)
Business in the South
expansion of textiles
- blacks restricted from certain industries
- considered skilled labor
- used kids
labor (1800s)
National Labor Union (600k members)
- 8 hour work day instead of 12 hours
- work breaks
- better wages
- safer working conditions
child labor
- national schools not fully in effect
- avg wage $0.75 per day
- 1 in 5 children were employed
National Labor Union wiped out by 1872 recession
- employers held more power
- non-membership common requirement for employers
Knights of Labor
- improved safety
- 8 hour work day
- better health care
- end corporate subsidies
Knights of Labor accused of being part of the haymarket square massacre
- bomb killed several people in haymarket square
- framed the Knights of Labor as violent radicals
- unions split - skilled labor didn't want to be associated w/ violent unskilled laborers
American Federation of Labor
- better working conditions
- better wages
- better hours
closed shop - employees tell community to not buy from a business (method of boycott); initially successful w/ smaller businesses
20th pres - Garfield
1880 election
republicans locked in Northern states, Democrats locked in South
Garfield shot by Grant supporter (stalwart); bullet gets lodged in his spine; eventually dies of infection
23 pres Harrison (1888)
Cleveland lost because...
- spike in inflation
- policies against pensions
- wanted to lower tariffs (made enemies of the rich)
Homestead Strike
12 hour work days, low pay at Homestead steel mill
10 dead, 60 wounded (police force)
trouble brewing abroad
US so focused on domestic policies, int'l troubles not addressed
Roosevelt Good Neighbor policy
- Reciprocal Trade agreements
- no tariffs on Central/South American goods
- US would export manufactured goods to Central/South
Hitler making acquisitions
- 1936 Rhineland reoccupied
- 1938 Germany absorbes Austria
- 1938 Sudetenland ceded to Germany
- Czechoslovakia converted to pupet state
- Poland was in the way
steam rolls Euro
- Poland falls 1939
- Denmark and Norway fall 1940
- Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium falls 1940
- France falls 1940
Sino-Japanese War
- Marco Polo Bridge Incident
American int'l policies
Johnson Debt Default Act
- countries that didn't pay back WWI debts couldn't borrow from US banks
Neutrality Acts
- stated that America was neutral and would only act if Euro powers entered the Americas
- nations could buy goods in America, but goods had to be transported back on their own ships
Roosevelt Quarantine Speech
- US wouldn't provide aid to aggressive nations
- hard pushback because America didn't want to be involved in foreign wars
Germany and Russia
- non-aggression pact
- would divide Poland 50/50
- Russia agrees to supply raw materials to Germany
Russia got smacked
Stalin was afraid of a military coup, so he purged upper officers; this left the Russian army weak
when Germany attacked Russia, Russia had massive losses
Pearl Harbor
Hall Notes
- offers and counter offers between US and Japan to turn on oil taps
- pre-war peaceful status
- thought of as safe haven; major cultural center
- US and Britain fire bombed Dresden
- up to 100k people killed
Nagasaki & Hiroshima
- Hiroshima - 90k people vaporized; 70k die of radiation after
- Nagasaki - trade port; no military; 40k people vaporized; 40k die later due to radiation