Banksey explores his artwork through political irony and street art. In his art work "Can't Beat the Feeling..." he explored through political irony and how it has an impact on the American society - comsurmerism.
Negative effect of Consumerism in America
KIm Phuc
Politicla Irony
Satircal Art
Street Art
Charecters of American culture in Consumerism
Mickey Mouse
Ronald McDonald
Smilling, walking and waving without the aknowleding the girl is in pain and she is crying
Reverse imagery of Happiness and Innocence
Capitalism Consequences
Lack of hummanism - mickey mouse smilling and walking with a girl who is crying in pain
Napalm Bombs
Contemporary Artist
Global Effects
Brings horror to the world and an unforgetable event.
Victim of the Napalm Bombing. The picture of her beeing crying and naked has brought a symbolic effect to the world on how they view war and the Napalm Bombs
The two icons will be viewed differently as, they are being displayed with a victim of a world changing event.
This will bring difficulty to the Producers of Mickey Mouse and Ronald McDonald how they will reverse the impact it has brought on these two charecter from the painting of Banskey
Freedom - actions
Portrayed using two american icons and Kim Phuc
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