Emerging Civilization Causation Flow Chart
Complex religions
Social classes and inequalities
Political organization (Government)
Food surplus
Accumulation of wealth
High density populations (Towns, Cities, etc)
Development of technology
Public works and architecture
Monarchies (kings), city-states and empires
Neolithic Revolution
job specialization
Advanced irrigation systems
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Most ancient people were polytheists, which means they believed in many gods. So they built temples and sacrificed animals, crops, or sometimes humans to the gods. People needed a being that could explain their world and a being they could follow and believe.
They prayed and they had a purpose in life because they have to sacrifice for their gods.
They wrote it to record precise rituals and prayers, record their daily life, create laws for their society, and communicate with each other.
Communication became easier. Interaction between cultures was created, and historians were able to learn about the lives of people in the past.
People were ranked according to their jobs. For people to have purpose in their life and aim for something better, and to have order in their society.
A hierarchy between people was created, and conflict between social classes was created.
They needed to maintain a steady food supply. Everyone had different opinions so a government listened to their citizens and chose the best, and because they needed order and law.
People followed the law, so their society was more organized. People had a steady food supply.
The overproduction of agriculture, uncontrollable flood, weather condition, and unnecessary import of food from the government
People and animals had a lot of food to eat but had to throw away a lot of food as well.
To be able to buy what they want to, to have money after retirement, and to have money for their children.
Life is more comfortable, and people with a lot of money become powerful.
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