FIA3 - The Clean Energy Regulator



The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) requires database (CER.db) created in DB Browser for SQLite

Self determined

The application should include features such as a user account to store data.

The application should adhere to the accessibility guidelines to ensure the application is easy to use for students and staffs. This can be acheived by clear navigation, clear label of specification such as allergies and bold or different colour text for deadlines or any urgent messages. This is to ensure the app is easy to use for students

The application should apply the visual communication principles such as colour, alignment, repetition and proximity to create an application with a consistent layout and cohesive colour scheme. This will be measured by how the colour’s contrast, if the application looks balanced and is easy to read.

The application will apply usability principles including accessibility, effectiveness, safety, utility and learnability. This will be measured by whether or not the app provides safety measured, how easy it is to navigate for users, if the information is clear and concise showing relevant data

The application UI design will be clear and clean with an easy-to-navigate structure including hierarchy so the target audience can use the application easily. This will be measured by if the application has a hierarchical structure in any pages or menus to make the application logical, as well as if the application follows a structured design that is easy to read

The application must satisfy the needs of all user personas to remain accessible.

CER data must be imported into the database in .csv files provided

Target audience

New innovative mobile application

Must contain all of the features described in the task outline

Clear and easy use for users

Admin and student users

Accessibility Guidelines

Window titles

Requirement for the application

educational resources that provides students in years 8-10 with a method of researching data relating to the historical and current installations of solar renewable energy sources in Australia

search filter of the database record

postcode or suburb

single year or date range between 2012-2022

installation or output (KWh - Energy type: Solar)

The Clean Energy Regulator administers schemes legislated by the Australian Government for measuring, managing, reducing or offsetting Australia's carbon emissions.

Allow an admin user to update the database to view, search and add records

UI features such as simplicity, consistency and intuitiveness must be included. Accessibility features including buttons linked with other pages on the application, images as descriptions and icons must be considered.

The newly developed application must be clear, consistent and comply with the accessibility guidelines and only be used by registered users with a valid password with restricting login to three attempts.

Identify possible risks for the user and client by analysing the social, economic and personal considerations

different title for each window

must appear at the top of each window

must suit each window

Window heading

available each window

levels on each page with suitable hierachy


input that the mandatory are clearly indicated

required formats such as dates (dd/mm/yyyy) clearly indicated

Non-mouse navigation (keystrokes or tabs)

available for entry, radio buttons, check boxes, buttons

allow sequential access to window elements such as buttons etc

Error messages/ validation message

all user input must be validated and return necessary error message

clear and specific

Accessibility options include

do not cause the window to be completely resetting and shut

allow the users to accept the error and move on (no frozen screens)

easy navigation with appropriate contrast between text and background by using contrasting colours

general instructions for user input at the top of the window or section which they can relate (help shortcuts or help box)

Constraints and Limitations

Usability principles


How quickly can users learn to find information, complete tasks and navigate the digital solution


Limited sensible data collected

Only three attempts given to login

Reset button, confirmation button, mobil phone numbers, username limitation

(Alert box), only three attempts for login


Outputs must be presented in a way that is easily interpreted by the user

User should be able to interact with the digital solution quickly and easily

Allows users to complete their interactions accurately and efficiently without requiring a detailed understanding of the complextities of the underslying program


Meets the accessiblity guidlines listed by the client

Text size, font, contrasting colour, layout of the application


Does the application achieve it's purpose?

Verification of age (only years 8-10)

Consent prompts

Task collected with both accuracy and efficiency

Consistent and intuitive navigation and interaction with user interface

Predictable and consistent functions

Simplicity in locating desired information

Adaptable for all mobile platforms


Images, different dimensions, screen reading

Information relevant to user's context

Functions relevent to task and context

Address the user's needs by providing necessary utilities

Client Requirements

Include buttons such as menu and back button

Apply usability principles

Include the use of a wide variety of widgets as appropriate for the application

Heading and sub-heading for each window (sub-heading where appropriate)

Appropriate font type, size and colours

Logo for The Clean Energy Regulator administers

Images that describe the intended information

Expand educational resources on historical and current installations of solar renewable energy sources in Australia

User Requirements

Must have windows system

Accessibility options include: General instructions for user input at the top of the window or section to which they relate, appropriate contrast between text and background

Elements: Input that is mandatory are clearly indicated, with required formats, such as dates (day, month, year) are clearly indicated

Error messages (or validation message): Are clear and specific, do not cause the window to be completely reset

Window titles: must appear at the top of each window, be appropriate for the window and be different for each window

Window headings: Are on each window, levels on each page have a meaningful hierarchy

Non-mouse navigation (keystrokes or tabs): Are available for entry, radio buttons, checkboxes, buttons etc. and allow sequential access to window elements (mentioned above)

Allow user to filter the search of the database records on between 2012-2022:

Allow admin user to update the database to view, search and add records






Output(KWh) - Energy(Solar)







Make recommendations and improvements

The effciency and effectiveness of algorithms

Self-determined and prescribed criteria

Personal, social and economic impacts


Data types









use of modularity - functions

validation of user input

Developer Considerations


Visual Communication


Usability Principles

Data Preparation


Ensure design is adaptable to support accessibility

Incorporate the CER's colour scheme consistently

Incorporate CER's logo

White space and restricted purpose per screen to minimise complication

Maintain a consistent style and layout

Fits iPad mini constraints and is not resizable

User input must be validated

Includes full data set

Develop a high-fidelity prototype


Designed for high school students from year 8 to 10

Present Students with name and data stored at school

Must allow for user's to access stored data about the Clean Energy installtion

Only become available after admin button is pressed - if details are incorrect 3 times, admin button disabled

Stored in database


Login details

Email Address

Firstname, Surname



Year or date (from 2012 - 2022)

Installation or Output(KWh)


layout elements, headings, sub-headings. buttons, sort and filters

appropriate images, font types, sizes, colours, logo, title, widgets