-In early stages there may be abnormal sensations, numbness, stabbing pain In the thumb, Index, middle and radial side of the ring finger, that Is worse at night or worse with Increased temperature In the hand. Overwork can aggravate the pain which sometimes will radiate to the arm.
-Wrist flexion aggravates It and swinging the hand relieves It.
-There may be a cold sensation, purple coloration, and difficulty with movement.
-In the late stages: there could be atrophy of the greater thenar eminence, paralysis, decreased myodynamia, and loss of sensation In the thumb, Index, middle and radial aspect of the ring finger.
Exams and Tests:
-Tapping Test (Tinel Test)
-Wrist Flexion and Compression Test (Phalen's Test and Reverse Phalen's Test)
-Shaking the Hand (throwing hand at the ground) this should relieve pain.