OTCXXX Soft Airstrip Awareness for Pilots IMG_1799

How best to get unstuck - 'unbogging' (different course even?)

What causes soft airstrips?

Recent rainfall

Poor drainage - airstrip design or construction

Unusual phenomena - e.g. Gubam, PNG

Known occurences

Matt P Bosavi PNG GA8 20XX

South Sudan C208B 2022

Gubam C208 and DHC6 20XX

Steve Stevens Abaiyat South Sudan Dragon Rapide 1951

How can we recognise soft airstrips?

Recent rainfall data

Community / agent report

Internet sourced data

Observation from the air

dark wet patches

standing water

dark rooves on huts showing recent rain

wheel ruts

Methods of Mitigation??


Low pass

Ask for more information

Talk to the source yourself

Add a grain of salt, e.g. 'fine' weather is relative, how bad do they want this plane?

Options available

Vehicle tow

Notify base first! David Pearce South Sudan story, even if not 'active' on FFers

Back out the way you came

Power through it


Manpower tow

No push zones, hazards

Where should /shouldn't cargo straps be placed?

Is the aircraft airworthy?

Is the airstrip still open?

Salvage Operations


Wait for it to dry out then fly out

Collective Stories - the shortlist

Story 1 Arilo

Story 2 ?

Story 3 Gubam


Related Courses

OTC910 Airstrip and Weather Reporting

OTC920 Airstrip Survey


eLearning assessment


Original history, e.g. Gubam

Rainfall in last several months, e.g. this has been a dry 'wet season'

MAF use of the airstrip

Other operators use of the airstrip

Take off

What 'penalty'?

Mantis database?

Does not include how to survey airstrips

Limitations of survey data

Surface not even assessed

Pogo stick inadequate

Other tests not readily available

Vehicles not often available

Historical - mention double wheeled C180/5 in PNG

HJS module on C208 unbogging - part of conversion course

crowd handling

what to do after

C208 fuel transfer - selection

offload the cargo and people


reading them


submit your reports!

whittaker gear

PNG prop strike Sepik Dec 2022

roots of trees, logs left underground to rot

what about an aide memoir/ checklist (DAvid Pearce idea) on EFB

control yoke position - full back, weight off nose wheel

what are the classic soft spots? e.g. edges

now we are flying bigger, heavier aeroplanes

loading with C of G aft

put weight in back to get weight off