structure of poem & poetic devices

Definition : Theme is the topic of the poem or the main idea of the poem
example : romantic, funny, nature

Stanza is a series of line that group together
example : couplet

Rhyme : A repetition of end of sound
Example : good, god

Rhyme schemes can be determined by making similar rhyming lines.
Example: AABB, ABAB

Tone/mood is author's attitude or the atmosphere and emotion in the poem.
Example: Happy, Sad

Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement or claim that is not meant to be taken literally.
Example: Earthquake happen! - Earth quake makes the earth to half!

Imagery: language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create images in the mind of the reader.
Example of Imagery: Word spread like leaves in a storm

Onomatopoeia: a word form trough a sound
Example : tick-tock! time is running

Repetition : occur when repeating word

Assonance : involves the repetition of the internal vowel words

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CONSONANCE: Involves the repetition of consonant word

Metaphor: Makes comparation between things by stating that one thing is literary someone else.

Example: you are my guardian angle.

Personification: Gives human qualities and feelings to things that are not human like animals or object

Example: The cookies are calling my name.

Alliteration: involves the repetition of initial consonant word sound of series of words
Example: The green grass grew in the graveyard

Smilie: works by saying something is similar to something else, they comonly come in two forms: as, like

Example: the rock is soft as cookies.

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