The teacher in the classroom

Chapter 3 Managing the classroom

Chapter 4 Describing learning and teaching


See how close or distance is necessary for each student, modify thier behaviour.


We as a teachers need to creat an atmophere where the student feel comfortable, but at the same time see our appropiate position.


The way how teachers move around the classroom will depend on thier personal preferences, but also, It is important recall learner's perspective.


Awareness is seeing what learners have said and responding appropriately, for that, being flexible and able to percive the success or failures is escential to react to what is going on around students' heads.

Using the voice



Students need comprehend clearly what teachears are saying, so a voice quality is escential when teachers are speaking, on the other hand, they don't have to shout to be audible.

Use our voice for different situation with different volume and intonation will create more interest in what teacher is saying.


For teachers, their most important tool is the voice, that is why it is basic to take care of it and avoid shouting in classes.

Talking to students

Rough-tune: It is the simplification of language tha teachers and parents have in common to being undertoond.

Speak at a level that is more or less appropriate taking our population into account.

On the other hand, It is important take into consideration the use of some gesures, expressions and mimes for communicate acctions.

Giving intructions

For giving intructions: kept as simple as possible and be logical

Check if students have undestoond what to do, It is good ask them and see what is messing and not.

Using the L1

Students will inevitably use L1 at the beginning when they first have to go through a translation process.

Using L1 in class could be an advantage when learners practice pronunciation and try to produce sounds, but also, when they compare L1 and L2 to find similar structures, etc.

Creating lesson stages

At starting an activity could be a good idea if teacher implement some plays that make students interest.

Then, If teacher want to chance to the next step, it is important take student's attentions through some accion as raise a hand.

Differents seating arrangements

Orderly rows

Clear view of all the students, It makes leturing easier, personal contact with each student, It easy see what their are doing.

It works when the teacher explains grammar points, watches videos, and presentations, or when use the board.

Sometimes, when teacher have more than 40 students in a class, ordely rows could be the best solution.

Circle and horseshoes

Smaller classes, It creates a big feeling of equality, in this way barriers between teachers and students are low.

All people involve can see each other, in this way, students can share information and be able to talk.

Seaparate tables

In this kind of seating, The teacher need to walk around cheaking student's woks and helping.

It is usefull in mixed-ability classes: different students with different task, due to they can share infomation.

Different student groupings

Whole class

The class as a whole group.

Presentinf information and controlled partice.

It can be dynamic and motivating, due to teacher treate everyone as part of the same group.

Groupwork and pairwork

Cooperative activity: learners involve work together to complete an activity.

Working this way, students will participate more actively.

With this kind of gruoping, students have more indepence, thus, they take control of thier own learning decisions.

Teacher can focus on specific groups, meanwhile others gruops are woking.


It allows learnes to work in their own speed, allows thinking time, and be more individuals,


Join 2 classes then they can interact each other.

Students have the oppotunity to interact with other levels of English, dicuss and feel motivate and satified.

Different times, different methods

Grammar-translation Method

Presenting students short grammar rules and word lists, and thier translation.

Comparing parts of Enlgish with our owm mother tongue.

It doesn't help in communication.


Focused on the use of Structural-situational teaching,the topics are presented from the most basic to the most difficult, being scaled

Emphasis on grammatical patterns, constant repetition will response automatic.

Acquire good language habits.


Cue-response drills

Students are not exposed to real or realistic languages.

PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production)

Presents the context and situation for the language.

Controlled practice

It is not taking account other ways of learning and undestanding.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Involves language functions, which students should learn how to perform using a variety of language exponents.

It is about how use language.

the student need to be enough exposure to language, and also opportunities for use it.

Task-Based Learning (TBL)

The emphasis is on the task rather than the language.

TBL sequence: Pre-task: introduction to the topic.

Task cycle: Student plan the task, also produce a piece writing or oral precentacion.

and Language Focus: student will analyse the language that have used in the task.

Elements for successful language learning (ESA)

Engage (E)

Engage students include: games, music, discussions, stimulating pictures, dramatic stories, amusing anecdotes, etc.

Relate materials with their own lives.

Study (S)

Students focus on the construction of something

Presentation and practice are focus on make the student think about language construction.

Activate (A)

Get students using language as freely and communicatively as they can.

The idea is try to use all and any language that learner can appropiate for a given situation or topic.


Exercises onclude role-plays, advertisement desing, debates and discussions, decribe and draw, etc.

ESA lesson sequences

Straigh arrows

Teacher gets the class interested and engaged; then they study
something; then they try to activate it by putting it into production.

Engage, Study, and Activate.



Engage, Activate, Study, Activete.

Teaching is answering the needs of the students, (TBL) task come first and not the langague point.

Engage =>Activate, Activate, Study, Activate, Study, Engage, Activate.

A mixture of procedures and mini-procedures, a variety of short episodes building up to a whole.












