MISSCLASSIFICATION (If an employment relationship is misclassified (erroneamente classificato ) as self-employment > it comes from INPS, INAIL or DTL. In these cases, the court will agree that the person is an employee, and the employer face bad consequences: Conversion into employment relationship from the beginning, Arrears of pay ( arretrati di pagamento), Social security contributions + sanctions, Insurance contributions + sanctions
but then a contract was implemented in order to avoid these consequences to the employer and If there are no employment clauses, the contract is considered as a self-employment contract.
FIRST: the committee checks the nature of the contract. SECOND: it communicates it to INPS, INAIL and tax agency THIRD: 30 days are necessary for the assessment of the contract and after that the certification is valid FOURTH: challenge the classification on two grounds
Certification is wrong on the paper, so erroneous qualification