Pelvic inflammatory disease mcdc7_pelvic_inflammatory_disease_jpg


Is an inflammatory condition of pelvic cavity


Infection can cause peri hepatic inflammation

When the organisms invades peritoneum

Infection tend to unilateral

In gonorrheal infection it passes through

To organs, these post partum and post abortion


Nursing care plan

Nursing management


Nursing diagnosis

To kill bacterial infections

To alleviate chances of acquiring infections

Health education about hygiene and protected sex

Give paracetamol as prescribed

Altered hygiene related to vaginal discharge

Self image disturbance due to smelly discharge

Pharmacological management

Intravenous fluids

Bed rest

This occurs during pregnancy due to ncreased blood supply

Cervical canal into uterus during menstruation likely.

Organism ascend from lower tract to upper side

Broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics

Diagnostic test

Blood culture

Physical examination

Risk factors

Early age first intercourse

Multiple sexual partners

Sex with a partner with STDs

Frequent intercourse

Clinical manifestation

Unusual viginal discharge

Lower abdomen pain and tenderness



Pain increases during voiding

Altered thermoregulation due to infection proven by parexia

To lower elevated body temperature :

Give antibiotics as prescribed


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Mogotlane S, Chauke M, Matlakala M, Mokoena J, Young A. 2018. Juta’s complete textbook of medical surgical nursing. 5th edition. Cape Town. Mogotlane S