In response to the first question, descriptive data revealed the sorts of preparation students completed prior to attending flipped classroom sections. The frequency of students' preferred preparations is summarized in Table 1. According to these figures, it is evident that students favored videos with quizzes for training over passive viewing. In each study, student responses indicated that they would rather watch videos and take quizzes to be ready for class than simply watch videos (see Table 1). In each survey, students were instructed to select all that apply for survey question No. 2, resulting in a greater number of responses than survey respondents. In Time-1, 50 students (the change is due to voluntary attendance) responded to the survey, and of those, 58% viewed the flipped class video and took the quiz, while 14% preferred just watching for preparation. In Time-2, out of 48 participants, 77% viewed the video and answered the quiz, while only 19% viewed the video for class preparation. Preparation-wise, participants preferred watching videos while responding to a quiz (68%) to watching videos without responding to a quiz (23%). 9% of participants, however, claimed they had not made any preparations.