
Ham degan ma'noni anglatib faqat bo'lishli gaplarda keladi. Ma, I am a smart boy, so am I.

He lives near here. So does she.

Neither ham degan ma'noni bildirib bo'lishsiz gaplarda ishlatilinadi. He didn't come yesterdsay. Neither did he.

Either ham degan ma'noni anglatib, bo'lishli va bo'lishsiz gaplarda ishlatilinadi. I will come tomorrow. I will either


2 lasi ham degan ma'noni anglatib, bo'lishli va ko'plikda keladi (2 tadan ko'p emas) Ma, Both boys are from Tashkent

Both and bog'lovchisi bilan ishlatilinib, ham...ham degan ma'noni beradi

Both I and my friend like playing football

Neither nor bog'lovchisi bilan kelib degan ma'noni beradi

Neither I nor my friend like playing football

Either or bog'lovchisi bilan kelib yoki...yoki degan ma'noni beradi

Either I or my friend like playing football

Ham Gerund ham Infinitiv bn keladigan fe'llar

Start, begin, intend, bother, can't or can, afford, hate, like, love, continue, prefer, dislike.

Faqat Gerund bn keladigan fe'llar

advise, recommend, encourage, permit, allow, forbid Agar bu fe'llardan keyin ot yok olmosh ishlatilsa ulardan keyin infinitive ishlatilanadi

need, want, require-talab qilmoq, faqat infinitive. Agar bulardan keyin Gerund kelsa majhul nisbatni bildiradi.

Stop, Try, Remember, Forget, Regret, Go on, afraid to do something, afraid of doing something

The house needs reconstructing ❎

I stopped to buy some apples

I stopped working

I tried to open the window

I tried drinking his soup

I remember to phone him

I remember phoning him

I forgot to phone him

I forgot phoning him

I regret to tell you

I regret telling you

I'll go on working

He was talking about himself, but he went on to talk about me.

I am afraid to talk to him

I am afraid of talking to him