HP and the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 1



  • Dursleys living normal lives until Mr. Dursley went for work
  • Mr. Dursley saw strange things happening at work
  • Strange things involves the Potters
  • Mr. Dursley wants to tell the strange but decides not to at the end
  • The Dursleys goes to sleep
  • Dumbledore appears and cat turns into a woman and discuss about the death of Mr. and Mrs. Potter, and Harry their son.
  • Hagrid appears on a bike and brings Harry
  • Leaves Harry to the Dursleys alongside a letter

Mrs. Dursley

Mr. Dursley


  1. Gossiped - to talk about other people's private lives
  2. Peculiar - unpleasantly strange
  3. Tabby - a cat with dark-coloured marks on grey or brown fur
  4. Contrary - opposite
  5. Muggles - unskilled and/or unknowledgeable person
  6. Rattled - worried or nervous
  7. Stern - Showing disapproval
  8. Pursed - Forming a rounded shape with lips
  9. Peered - To look carefully or with difficulty
  10. Quiver - Shake slightly due to strong emotion
  11. Rummaging - Searching for something by moving things around
  12. Pinpricks - Very small amount of something
  13. Beady-eyed - Small and shiny
  14. Fond - To like someone or something
  15. Exasperated - Annoyed because you cant do anything
  16. Ear-muffs - Fur protection for ears
  17. Glumly - In an unhappy way
  18. Faltered - To lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop
  19. Astounding - Very surprising or shocking
  20. Astride - With a leg on each side of something

Director of the firm 'Grunnings'

Literary devices:

  1. Foreshadow - example:
  • 'They were the last people you’d expect to be involved in anything strange or mys-terious'

  1. Contrast - example:
  • 'he didn’t see the owls swooping past in broad daylight'

  1. Imagery - example:
  • 'wearing an emerald-green cloak'

He is a big man

Thin and blonde

Finds the neighbors suspicious


Son of the Dursleys

Loved by parents

Mrs. Potter

Mrs. Dursley's sister

They hadn't met for years

Hates the Potters

HP and the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 2 - 08.08.22 (please read 5 pages)

Literary devices:

  1. Contrast - 'the Dursleys were his only family'

  1. Imagery - 'He had a large, pink face, not much neck, small, watery blue eyes and thick, blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick, fat head'

  1. Foreshadow - 'unknown relation coming to take him away, but it had never happened'

Merrily - Showing happiness or enjoyment


  • Harry is woken up by the Dursleys
  • Implied that Harry isn't treated well
  • Harry isn't allowed to ask questions
  • Harry's hair grows back quickly
  • Everyone goes to the zoo for Dudley's birthday
  • The snake doesn't respond to Dudley, but to Harry

Chapter 3

Literary devices:

  1. Verbal irony - The phrase 'The poor toilet’s never had anything as horrible as your head down it – it might be sick' shows that Harry doesn't actually want his head in the toilet as opposed to what he's saying. The writer is trying to show the relationship between Harry and Dudley, exaggerating their hatred towards each other

  2. Imagery - The phrase 'wearing bits of old elephant skin' implies that the clothes were chalky, wrinkly and worn out. The effect here is exaggerating how ugly the clothes are as elephant skins are usually grey and the colour grey implies that the person wearing it is poor and sad.

  3. Similie - The phrase 'heart twanging like a giant elastic band' gives the suggestion that Harry was excited or thrilled to see his first letter written to him. The author is giving the effect that Harry's heart is beating intensively because he has never received a letter for him, comparing that event to an elastic item. The word 'twanging' exaggerates the beating of his heart due to the sounds being similar to a rubber band.


  • The house received a letter.
  • Harry went out to collect it
  • The letter was for him
  • Vernon noticed he was reading it
  • Vernon took it away from Harry
  • More letters arrived at the house during the following days
  • Vernon couldn't take it and went to the seaside
  • It was harry's birthday on tht night
  • Somone was at the dor of the area


  1. Timidly - In a manner that shows a lack of courage or confidence
  2. Dully - In a manner that lacks interest or excitement
  3. Snivelled- to cry and sniff
  4. Amble - walk slowly and in a relaxed manner

Chp. 4

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