July Hackathon Goals:
Come up with 1-3 realistic goals to meet
(Add goal for Voice Acting)


Ashley: Finish modifying Dripify campaign to reflect new workflow template ✅

Colin: Resolve issues/bugs with onboarding project and finish it up


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1) Conduct 5 user tests (for either website or quiz types)
2) Complete one version of website designs for all pages ✅
3) voice acting recording ✅



Review HPC/KCQs for M2/M2S ✅

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Port ENP to HTC Vive ✅

Finish medium article draft and edit draft ✅

Finish the meta description and keywords for one webpage ✅

Finalize mailerlite campaign ✅

PORT ENP & MindGlow to Pico Neo

Implement new quiz types

Voice act Narrator for M2/2S ✅

edit sales playbook ✅


Finish setting up Dripify and Hubspot integration ✅

Finish SEO Web descriptions

Finalize module 2 edits/notes ✅

Complete Medium article draft ✅

Andrew: Resolve issues/bugs with Colin

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