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Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2021-2025, Name: Isaac Barba, María Belén,…
Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2021-2025
Objectives of the Economic Axis
Objective 1: Increase and promote, in an inclusive manner, employment opportunities and working conditions.
The best social policy is job creation.
The existence of a free market economy is essential for this.
The second element of a free economy is competition.
Create new job opportunities in decent conditions, promote labor inclusion.
Territorical guideline.
Create employment networks, prioritizing access to excluded and vulnerable groups, with a plurinational and intercultural approach.
plurinationality and interculturality.
Goals 2025
Increase the adequate employment rate from 30.41% to 50.00%.
Objective 2:To promote an economic system with clear rules that fosters foreign trade, tourism, investment attraction and modernization of the national financial system.
Natural resources are a starting point in the specialization of foreign trade, but there are other more important aspects that define the specialization of countries.
other, more important aspects define the specialization of countries.
Strengthen trade links with partners and potential market countries to enable free trade and consolidate non-oil exports.
free trade and the consolidation of non-oil exports.
Territorial guidelines
Encourage tourism ventures and initiatives that allow for the sustainable use of biodiversity.
of biodiversity.
Goals 2025
Increase high, medium and low technology intensity exports per capita from 42.38 to 51.31.
Integral Safety Axis
Objective 9. Ensure citizen security, public order and risk management
Policies: Strengthen the internal protection, maintenance and control of public order, which will make it possible to prevent and eradicate related crimes and violence in all its forms, in coexistence with the citizenry in the national territory and jurisdictional areas.
Territorial Guidelines: Strengthen the connectivity of population centres, with ports, airports, logistics centres and modal exchange centres, which will extend conditions to homogeneous areas of territorial accessibility in localities with high levels of marginalization and dispersion, with a multi-national and intercultural approach.
Goals: Decrease the rate of intentional homicide from 106 to 100 per 1,000,000 inhabitants
Objective 10. Ensure national sovereignty, territorial integrity and State security
Policies: Strengthen the State to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in the face of threats from cyberspace and protect its critical infrastructure.
Territorial Guidelines: Promover el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las personas que habitan las zonas de frontera, en un entorno de respeto a los derechos humanos.
Goals: Increase global cybersecurity index from 26.3 to 51.3
Objectives of the Ecological Transition Axis
Objective 11: To conserve, restore, protect and make sustainable use of natural resources.
To promote the protection and conservation of ecosystems and their biodiversity, as well as the national natural and genetic heritage.
To promote the capacity for recovery and restoration of renewable natural resources.
To promote the reduction of deforestation and degradation of ecosystems through the sustainable use and exploitation of the natural heritage.
Objective 12: To promote sustainable development models by applying climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.
1 Strengthen actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
To promote circular models that respect the carrying capacity of oceanic, marine-coastal, and terrestrial ecosystems, allowing their recovery and reducing pollution and pressure on natural and water resources.
To promote awareness, production and sustainable consumption
Objectives of the Institutional Axis
Objective 14.- Strengthen the capacities of the State, with emphasis on the administration of justice and efficiency in the regulatory and
and efficiency in the regulatory and control processes, with independence and autonomy.
The judicial system is a pillar for this defense of freedoms and guarantees of rights.
To guarantee citizens the full right to justice without impunity, with an independent, efficient and transparent justice administration system.
Territorial guidelines
Generate and strengthen local information systems to strengthen the production of official statistics.
Goals 2025
Increase the resolution rate from 0.84 to 1.06.
Objective 15.- Promote public ethics, transparency and the fight against corruption.
Public integrity is the coherence and harmony of the actions of the different social actors with the rules, values, principles and ethical norms shared by society as a whole.
Promote public integrity and the fight against corruption in effective inter-institutional coordination among all State functions and
between all state functions and citizen participation.
Territorial guidelines
Encourage citizen participation in the public policy cycle in coordination with the different levels of government.
different governmental levels.
Goals 2025
Increase the level of institutional trust in the government from 25% to 30%.
Social Axis
Objectives 5. Protect families, guarantee their rights and services, eradicate poverty and promote social inclusion.
Policies: Promote the exercise of rights and the eradication of poverty with emphasis on individuals and priority groups.
Goals: Reduce the extreme income poverty rate from 15.44 per cent to 10.76 per cent.
Territorial Guidelines: Promote non-contributory social protection programmes in the provinces with the highest incidence of poverty and malnutrition
Objective 6. Guarantee the right to comprehensive, free and quality health
Policies: To improve conditions for the exercise of the right to health in a comprehensive manner, including prevention and promotion, emphasizing care for women, children and adolescents, older adults and persons with disabilities, LGBTI+ people and all those in vulnerable situations.
Territorial Guidelines: Expand the coverage of services to serve rural localities, especially those located in remote locations and with low connectivity to urban centers.
Goals: Reduce the neonatal mortality rate from 4.6 to 4.0 per 1,000 live births.
Isaac Barba, María Belén, Erick Carrillo, Sherlyn Huertas
July 22nd, 2021
Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo. 2021. (2021) “Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2021-2025.” Lexis S.A 1–76. Plan Nacional de Desarrollo: