In response, Kantian might say person is missing point of universalization test, which help us determine whether we being consistent: are we making exception for ourselves to policy that we think everyone else should follow? This requires bit of honesty about true intentions/motivations, and may have to admit that we not being consistent after all, even if we manipulate our maxims enough to pass universalization test.
However, this doesn’t quite resolve problem. Suppose store owner decides not to serve people of certain race. would Categorical Imperative show why immoral? His maxim might be, “To maintain a separation between whites and blacks, I’m not going to serve blacks in my store.” Universalized, this would be, “Any time white person can help keep races separate by refusing serve black people, they do so.” this universal law something store owner could will? hard to see why not; seems he is being consistent: his honest motives do involve making distinction between whites and blacks in excluding people from store.