Sumidero Canyon of the State of Chiapas
Product of a separation of terrestrial layers of a geological fault in the Pleistocene.
In 1534 the Battle of Tepetchía took place. Bernal Díaz del Castillo assures that since the Chiapas could not defeat the Spaniards, they preferred to die by throwing themselves from the Sumidero Canyon.
It has a cliff whose height goes beyond 1,000 m s. n. m. stands on the bed of the Grijalva River, whose depth is more than 250 m
Very deep canyon located 5 km from Tuxtla Gutiérrez.
The prices of the boat tour are approximately $500 pesos
The geological fault opened approximately 12 million years ago in the Sierra Norte de Chiapas, its walls rise to more than 1,300 m from the depth of the gorge, where the waters of the Grijalva River run through the states of Chiapas, Tabasco and flow into in the gulf of mexico
The simple ticket for the viewpoints of the Sumidero Canyon is 34 pesos.
In April 1960 it was conquered by the group from Chiapas Pañuelo Rojo, before that date the sinkhole canyon was unexplored in its 25 km length
1869 Foudon brothers and Pedro Gastinel die trying to cross the Sumidero Canyon.
On December 8, 1980, the Sumidero Canyon was declared a national park with an area of 21,789 hectares.
On May 17, 1958, the Heroic Military College, under the command of General and former Governor Francisco J. Grajales, crossed the Canyon, being the expedition that had penetrated the Canyon the most.
1915 to 1922, teacher Marcos E. Becerra and a group of Chiapanecos, the first group to explore the Canyon.
August 1959, a group led by Georgie White Clark, the Woman of the Rivers, penetrates a small section and returns, verifying that the crossing is impossible.
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That same year, the Spanish explorer Francisco Fernández Alberdi entered a boat built by him; never knew the fate that ran inside.
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