Critical thinking: systems:


Use more inductive (guided discovery) approach

More freer/free practice (!)

But it does it always mean critical thinking? NO Implementing a lot of LOTS)

Ways to implove:

Inductive reasoning

Ask open-ended questions to help students reflect on the rule:

Which modal verbs have similar meanings?

What's the difference between?

What does the choice of ... depend on?

Why can't I say...?

Comparative analysis

A: they've been painting the kitchen
B: They've painted the kitchen

What's the difference in meaning, if any?

Make the context clearer, so it illustrates the difference

Create situations

Rearranging word order

Word order mistakes often result from L1 interference?

Compare L1 and L2 structures:

Он очень любит это - He likes it very much

I with my friend went to the party

On the table lies a book

Rephrasing and reformulation

I like playing football

How else can you say that?

How could you say the same thing with 'prefer', 'fond of', 'fan' ect

Think of 3 more ways to say the same thing using other words

Identifying and correcting mistakes

Teacher corrects all errors in a writing

Teacher highlights all the errors in a writing for the student to correct

Teacher helps the student to notice, analyse, and correct the mistakes

Use assessment criteria

Use grammar codes

There are four critierion:

Communicative achievement




Please, reread my comments and self-correct

To which area the mistake refers to?

What are your strongest points? Where is the room for improvement? Which criterion is the strongest/weakest?


Error analysis

What kind of mistake is it?

What part of speech is it?

What is the overall impression of the text? WHY?

Which mistakes impede communication?

Which mistakes need to be corrected?

How can errors be corrected? Give me an example?

Could you have avoided the mistake?

Where the mistake come from?


Words operate at four levels

Semantically (meaning)

Grammatically (part of speech and form)

Syntactically (position in a sentence

Contextually (how words are used with the appropriate register)

Checking the knowledge of a word


word form/spelling


example sentence (use)


how do we teach vocabulary?

Introducing MFPU (presentation / elicitation)

Check MFPU

Practice (controlled - semi-controlled - freer - free)


Make students elicit

Idiomatic/non-literal meaning?

Semantic boundaries (boots/shoes)


Collocation restraints


Comparing false friends

Build logical connections (semantic networks)

words from the same word family


Look at the following lists of lexical items. What is the relationship between each one?
(winter, spring, summer, autumn)



Furniture (chair, table, bed)

Chair, table and bed are furniture)


Cheek, nose, mouth, eye -- face ( objects that make part of a bigger object)


Face consists of cheeks, nose, mouth

What differences can you spot between the sets of words?

Look at the translation?

click to edit

  1. Compare words (synonyms, near

synonyms, antonyms)

  1. Consider collocations (how words go


  1. Consider colligations (grammatical aspect

of words)

  1. Consider connotations (emotional, social,

and cultural aspects of words)

  1. Understand literal and figurative uses of words


  1. Use translation for analysis
  1. Build semantic networks and analyze the

connection b/w different words


Most pronunciation patterns need to be remembered rather that understood

How pronunciation patterns (sentence stress, tones, sense)?

How to distinguish between short and long sounds, and how influences meaning)?

How to avoid ambiguity in one's own pronunciation?

Compare accents!

Where mistakes come from? (Overgeneralisation, L1 interference)

How the meaning changes with the change of stress?

She's hoping to get a taxi to the station

She's hoping to get a taxi to the station

She's hoping to get a taxi to the station

How we usually mispronounce?

knife / cucumber/comb/break/risen/through

Replace each utterance with another tone

How will it sound like?

Will it change meaning or attitude? (polite or rude?)

Say sentences to each other and check if your partner sounded appropriately

Try to say it with ... accent

Analyse what problems speakers of different L1 have?

Learner english (Swan, Smith)