If you love to shop, this is the business idea for you. Earn great money and have fun by starting a personal shopping service assisting people who are too busy to shop, who don't like to shop, or who can't get out to do their own shopping. Lots of busy and well-heeled people love the idea of hiring personal shoppers to select gifts for any number of special occasions, including birthdays, births, weddings, holidays, and anniversaries. And it's not just new products they're after: Personal shoppers are also hired by interior designers and collectors to rummage through flea markets, consignment shops, antique dealers, and garage sales for collectibles, art, books, antiques, and funky home and office decor.
Corporations hire personal shoppers to purchase gifts for customers, prospects, business partners, investors, employees, and executives, as well as to purchase products for gift bag giveaways at special events, ceremonies and seminars. Seniors and other people who may find it difficult to get around hire personal shoppers to purchase groceries, clothing and other home and personal products. Best of all, no experience is required to get started. If you love to shop, have good taste, are creative, and don't mind networking with business owners, corporate executives and people from all walks of life, you're qualified to turn the personal-shopper business idea into a reality.