Teaching Materials in EIL (Aya Matsuda)

1. Introduction

Language teaching is as a source of input.

English to become part of the globalized world

Focuses on the evaluation, selection, and development of teaching materials

Materials including books, workbooks, teachers’ resource books, realia, and various audio-visuals

2. Traditional Practices and Principles

English is unique in that

(Kachru, 1986).

(Canagarajah, 2006, p. 199)

(Friedrich & Matsuda, 2010;

The existence of multiple legitimate varieties of English is rarely represented in ELT textbooks


One problem of such representation:

It is incomplete and limited

Leads to confusion

Students do not understand the significance of the uses

3. Practices and Principles for an EIL Framework

Accurate teaching materials

complex reality of English

evaluating, selecting, and developing materials

integration of skills being taught in class

4. Criteria for Evaluating Teaching Materials

Which Variety o f English is the M a te ria l Based on?

Is it the Variety my Students Should Learn?

We have a wide variety of Englishes to choose

Goal of the curriculum

Textbooks and other materials must introduce students to British

Business professionals to relocate to Hong Kong

Learners to a kind of Hong Kong English used in business

American or British English

The two most popular choices for instructional models

May be a reasonable choice

One key issue here is selection

5. Does it Provide Adequate Exposure to O ther Varieties o f English and Raise Enough Awareness about the Linguistic Diversity o f English?

Focus predominantly on one variety of English

Become fluent in multiple varieties of English is not important

Different social and situational dialects

There are several ways to increase students’ awareness

Using appropriate materials

Pre-packaged teaching materials

Multiple varieties of English

Supplemental materials




visual samples

6. Does it Represent a V ariety o f Speakers?

Second Reason

(Graddol, 1997; Smith, 1983; Widdowson, 1994)

Materials represent both native and non-native speakers

First Reason

Third Reason

They serve as the role model

Native and non-native English speakers

Graddol wrote in his book, The Future of English

English is used as a medium of communication.

7. Steps for Supplem enting Materials

Question I: W hat are the Needs o f Learners?

Question 2: Does the Teaching M a te ria l in Question M eet the Needs of the Learners Adequately?

Question 3: How can the Identified Gaps be Filled?

8. Possible Sources for Supplem ental M aterials

Other Textbooks and Pre-packaged M aterials

ia: Newspapers and News Scripts

O fficial Websites: Countries and Cities, In tern atio n al O rganizations, etc.

Personal Websites, Blogs, and Social Netw orking Sites (SNS)

Other Textbooks and Pre-packaged M aterials

9. Conclusion


Applying the Ideas

Exploring the Ideas