Teaching materials in EIL (Aya Matsuda)

The significance of using textbooks and other forms of instructional material in the teaching of foreign languages

Needs analysis, testing, program evaluation (Brown 1995)

Objectives and goals of teaching EIL

Evaluation, The selection of and preparation for the use of instructional materials

Procedures for enhancing existing materials

Stiudents' goals

Available teacher materials

Learners' needs

Completion of Needs analysis as a part of CD

Where? With whom? What purposes?

Meeting the needs of learners

Students are given experiences that are reflective of actual life.

a linguistically appropriate meaning of acology


Relevant content information

Filling identified gaps

Pre-packaged materials and other teaching materials

Audio visuals

Official websites

Mass media

Personal websites: Blogs and SNS

A set of evaluation standards for pedagogical resources

Relevance to the particular circumstances of the area

Increasing students' interests

Additional materials

Pedagogical objectives

non-pedagogical objectives

click to edit

Traditional values and behaviors

Practices and principles for EIL

Focus on standard UK and USA varieties in traditional teaching of ELT

Inner circle

Integration of skills

EIL representations' comprehensiveness and appropriateness

Level appropriateness