Definition of a Power Point
A power point is presentation software that allows you to create slides, handouts, notes and outlines. It is an application software found in the microsoft office package for presentation.
Slides show graphs, videos, text, animation, sound and much more.
Advantages of using the power point
-It enable one to present information in office meetings, lectures, schools and seminars to create maximum impact in a minimal amount of time.
-Power point presentations can amplify your massage speed up the information being absorbed and assist with comprehension enabling faster decision making presentation.-
It makes a presentation interesting by including different animations.
The principles of effective power point presentation
1). Brief ids better. Keep your slides brief and to the point.
2). Cut down on the text. Keep each concept separate, don't try to join three key points into one bullet.
3). Don't over design. Don't do things that will make your audience to focus more on the presentation software than on what you are saying.
4). Use simple, clear and consistently applied fonts, slides transitions and animations.
5). Let the graphics work for and not against you. Keep graphs simple, each on offering one key point.