Despite the long passage of time, Boon was "still hanging there, chained to the bloody tree", implying that he was unable to move on, and how he felt as if he was "chained" like a prisoner. He could feel "The iron chains, warm and heavy against [his] flesh", the tactile memories has made the recall really vivid which has made it traumatic. This trauma has made Boon unable to forgive Father for what he did, he even "thought [he] was going to die that night" which was really too much for a 11 year old to experience. However, Boon "didn't care", he "wanted to show him what a monster he was" which was evident how Boon was just as stubborn and vindictive as his father! He then repeated in the end, "Fifteen years later, [he's] still chained to that stupid stupid tree" with a repetition of "stupid" to highlight the anger, resentment and bitterness that was in him. Is it that easy to forgive and forget?