Basil Hume in 'To be a Pilgrim' - Be not afraid - His message is still 'rejoice, do not be afraid.' 'When terror holds us in its grip, hope is born, darkness yields to light... the Lord Christ himself, for 'God so loved the world...' Do not be afraid. We need never be alone. Every burden carried by us is also shared by him. ' Give me your burden', he says, 'and I will make it mine'. He will not always lift the burden from us, but being his, too, it is lighter now and easier. We do not understand why we are fallen and sinful, birdened and wounded. He does not will our sadnesses or our pain. He wants us to know his goodness and to trust, to find his love and rejoice. The secret hidden in his words will slowly be shown us. It is the secret of his love, warm, close and true. That love is the meaning of his life; it is the reason of his mission when he came to us as a man.' p. 73