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Five Pillars
Shahada, a profession of faith that you are to worship one God and that God alone. Allah is the one God that we profess our faith to.
Salat, the tradition of praying 5 times a day as opposed to 50 times a day. at dawn, noon, halfway through the afternoon, sunset and then before bed which is when its dark.
Zakat, this is a form of alms giving where you tithe 2.5% of income to giving it to the poor. Its not limited to that tiny amount, you can give as much as you'd like.
Sawm, this is a tradition of fasting mainly around Ramadan. Fasting has many health benefits where a person may only drink water or nothing at all. It also makes us thankful for what God provides.
Pilgrimage, this is the tradition of making a journey to the holy site in Mecca. It is otherwise known as a Hajj.
Muhammad, was the prophet and Founder of Islam. He was raised by his uncle and worked from a young age becoming many professions. He married his first wife Khadija and during that time he had visions given to him by God and were so frequent that one day he followed the cause. His holy pilgrimage led him and his followers from Mecca to Medina known as the Hijra.
Medina, this town was where he taught his ministry and even became the towns leader following his arbitration between Arab and Jewish tribes. He became so influential that he became the city's governor. This establish a theocracy and eventually they went to war with Mecca. It should be noted Muhammad was an excellent statesman and lived in a simple stone house with no slaves.
Mecca, this was the town that Muhammad was from. This is the town that all Muslims point themselves when they pray, although they used in the direction of Jerusalem. This also the town that Hagar and Ishmael settled in after being banished by Abraham.
Abu Bakr, was the man who succeeded Muhammad after his death. Abu was a Meccan merchant who converted to Islam and was Muhammad's closest advisor. He acted as a decoy for Muhammad when the Meccans tried to kill Muhammad. Abu also was chosen to be Muhammad's first caliph which is like a general. He fought in many battles.
Theocracy is when the governmental body is controlled by the leader of a religion. This leader of faith basis all their laws from the faith and enforces that as such.
People of the book would be Jews, Christians and Muslims. It was extended to other religions in the future but as we know it, the people of the book are only those people who descended from the tradition of Abraham. All three religions came from one bloodline.
Al-Kitab, is a title or protection given to any outside religion that was created by divine revelation such as Christianity and Judaism. If someone was a Jew or a Christian then they weren't forced to convert and could still worship their God so long as they paid a special tithe.
Sects of Islam
Sunni, are the traditionalist sect of the Islamic faith who believe in Abu Bakr as being the rightful successor to Muhammad.
Sh'ia are a sect of non traditionalists who believe that Ali ibn Abi Talib should have been Muhammad's successor, who was passed up three times to be the rightful caliph. The main reason for the split between Sunni and Sh'ia comes to the fact of who was the rightful successor to Muhammad as he had multiple wives with multiple heirs.
Jihad, which mean holy war. However, it extends beyond this to mean any sort of struggle
Greater jihad is waged in the hearts and minds of the people who believe in Islam, it is so that they can master their emotions and become more spiritual.
Lesser Jihad is waged in the world either through conversions or similar ideas. The other method is violence and war. There have been times where Muslim believers must go to war and commit acts of violence in order for the preservation of Allah's people or the to destroy invaders.
Quran is the holy text that contains all the teachings of Muhammad and it is God's truth that was revealed to Muhammad. Unlike the Bible or the Torah, the Quran is unique in that there were no mistranslations.
Tawheed is the way to describe God. In God's name Allah is al "the" and llah "God". It states God's oneness in that there is only one God and no others.
Gabriel was the angel that appeared to Muhammad to given him visions and God's plan. Gabriel intercedes and guides Muhammad on many occasions. Gabriel visited Muhammad at a cave in Mecca and told him wisdom that would later be the basis for the Quran.
Sharia is a set of laws allowing for what conduct people are to live by. This includes conduct to your family, to the state, to whom you may want to associate with. Sharia law is present in all aspects of your life no matter how private or personal.
Sufism, these are religious practices where one examines their own inner consciousness. They also have a tradition of poetry and song verses as well as performing rituals for the faith. This is seen as the more mystic side of Islam.
Ramadan is a time for attornment and a must practice the five pillars of Islam. Worshipers of Islam are expected to fast during the holy month and good works for the community are seen for penance and levying the burden of the fasting.