:check: Scientific and objective: cognitive psychologists have always employed controlled and rigorous methods of study, in addition, the 2 fields of biology and cognitive psychology come together to enhance the scientific basis of the study. Meaning that the study of the mind has established a credible, scientific basis.
-:check: Application to everyday life: this approach is dominant in psychology today and has been applied to a wide range of practical and theoretical contexts, i.e., AI and the development of robots, the treatment of depression, and improving EWT. This supports the value of the cognitive approach.
:red_cross: Based on machine reductionism: although there are similarities between the operations of the human mind and computers, the computer analogy has been criticized, e.g., emotion and motivation have been shown to influence the accuracy of recall, but these factors aren't considered within the computer analogy. This suggests that machine reductionism may weaken the validity of the cognitive approach.