Impact of hitler's rule
One party rule
Night of the long knifes
Enabling Act
Creation of Fuehrer position
Reichstag Fire
Organizing worker's leisure time
Control of trade unions
Persecution of jews
Persecution of minority grp
Role of women
Arrested and charged several communists with arson
Hitler declared a state of emergency in Germany, claiming that the country was in great danger
Hitler blamed the communists for trying to overthrow the govt
He suspended freedom, the press
Germany's parliament building caught fire
Hitler called for election on March 1933
Anyone who spoke against him was arrested or beaten
Other parties disagreed to the enabling act so Hitler suggested voting
Before the vote, SS and SA surrounded the building where votes were supposed to take place and Hitler arrested all his opponents
Hitler needed to have 2/3 majority in the reichstag in order to pass the enabling act
Hitler won the enabling act and passed
Nazi officials now took control of all the govt departments and the SS and SA brutally dealt with threats
When the party came into power, opponents were sent to concentration camps
May 1933, Hitler passed a law that nazi is the only legal political party
Hitler ordered Ernst Rohm, SA leaders and other threats be killed
In one night, Hitler managed to remove opponents and gain support of the army
Businessmen, army Generals and Hitler felt SA was getting too strong
Under Ernst Rohm, SA grew to 4 mil strong and wanted to take over the army
Hitler merged the powers of president and chancellor- Fuehrer
Aft Hindenburh's funeral, the nazis held a vote and Germany approved of hitler's new position
Hitler increased his power when President Hindenburg died in 1934
German laws stated that a new president had to be elected
Hitler youth
He also stirred up anti-semitic and anti-communist feelings
All German films were controlled and had to carry a pro-nazi message
Every form of media was used to communicate his ideas and ensure Germany stays loyal
This helped convince supporters to win over more ppl and continue supporting hitler
Publications needed to go through the ministry of propaganda
Book Burning event took place
Anything against the nazis were banned
Listening to foreign stations were punishable by death
Controlled public opinion and brainwashed them
7 Nov 1938, night of Broken glass, more than 7500 Jewish shops and over 400 synapses were destroyed, more than 90 jews killed and 30k arrested
In 1942 holocaust, six concentration camps in Poland built for mass killing, nazis forced jews to wear the star of David so that they could identified
Jews portrayed as sly, cowardly and evil ppl out to destroy German culture
By the time the war ended, 1/3 of the world's jews were dead
Jews were considered inferior and social parasites
Many were sent to concentration camps
Viewed as inferior and threats to the Aryan blood purity
Homosexuals, handicapped, disabled
Women discouraged from pursuing studies
Nazis made them undergo vigorous training in domestic tasks
Hitler believed women could best serve their nation by being confined to the role of a mother and spouse
They were taught anti-semitism and nazi ideology, physical training was emphasised
The investment ensured a tomorrow for Germany as they would be members of the nazi party
By 1933, it had 2.3 mil members as it was made compulsory
The Hitler youth comprised of youths between 14 to 18
The civil service was expanded to provide more jobs
Many were employed to build schools, hospitals and highways
Hitler spent large sums of money on govt projects that involved many workers
Unemployment was further reduced with the reintroduction of conscription and the removal of jews from jobs
Overall employment fell from 6 mil in 1933 to below 1 mil in 1939
Workers were forced to join a workers' organization controlled by the nazis called DAF
1935, Nazis imposed a wage freeze on all workers
They were not allowed to bargain for better working conditions
1936, German economy was geared towards preparing for war , focus on production of resources and machinery
1939, workers worked up to 72 hrs a week, wages restricted
Workers could save 5 marks a week towards a cheap car, the Volkswagen Beetle
Workers were kept under surveillance at all times
The DAF set up schemes like "strengththrough joy" which provided cheap theatre and cinema tickets
By 1949, there were 1.4 mil men in the army
This created many jobs as men were needed to make war materials like weapons and uniforms
In 1935, the nazis introduced conscription for the army which reduced unemployment
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