Critical Thinking and Critical Reading

Definition : It is the application of critical thinking skills when reading a text by analyzing its validity, reliability or applicability of the text by reflecting the text in light of our prior knowledge and understanding of the world.

The critical reader :

One interpretation of facts.

Recognizes the importance of what a text says.

How the text evidences and portrays the subject matter.

The non-critical reader :

memorizing facts & statements

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  • building a narrative around facts & statements without analyzing validity, reliability or applicability.
  • repeating facts & statements

The dynamic process of critical reading




The dynamic process of critical reading

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What a text says. (Restatement)

What a text does. (Description) (how it says what it says)

What a text means. (Interpretation) (what it means to you, as the reader)

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What a text says… (Restatement) Restate the same topics and facts.

What a text does… (Description) Discuss the topics & facts within the context of how the original argument was made.

What a text means… (Interpretation) Interprets an overall meaning within the wider context of the readers prior knowledge and values.

Critical Reading: Myth busting

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You do not have the time to read everything.

You do not have the time to read everything critically.

You must be selective.

Stay focused: get the info you need.