Integrating the Organization from End to End – Enterprise
Resource Planning



ERP systems automate business processes

At the heart of all ERP systems is a database

Most organizations operate functional “silos”, and
each department typically has its own systems

A company might purchase an ERP and then all of the functional silos would be on one system, however, this doesn’t happen very often in the real world

Finding one system that could meet all the needs of an entire organization from billing to sales is almost impossible, “sort of a utopia”

when a user enters or updates information in one module, it is immediately and automatically updated throughout the entire system


When a CSR takes an order from a customer, he or she has all the information necessary to complete the order (the customer’s credit rating and order history, the company’s inventory levels, and the delivery schedule)

Since the company is using an ERP, everyone else in the company will automatically see the information that the CSR types into the ERP system

When one department finishes with the order, it is automatically routed via the ERP system to the next department

the backbone of e-business

Integration of these applications is the key to success for many companies

Integration allows the unlocking of information to make it available to any user, anywhere, anytime


several different types of software which sit in the middle of and provide connectivity between two or more software applications

Enterprise application integration
(EAI) middleware

packages together commonly used functionality which reduced the time necessary to develop solutions that integrate applications from multiple vendors

ERP systems must integrate various organization processes


Modular and open

Beyond the company
