a goal you didn’t meet / a time you didn’t think you were going to meet a commitment you promised

I was managing a project

one of our biggest clients

so eager to please them

finish the project within 2 weeks

ended up taking 3 weeks

they were not happy

I should have been more conservative in my estimate

client isn’t going to be upset

if you’re clear about the timeline in advance

but they are going to be disappointed

promise something and then don’t deliver

took this experience

to become much better at managing the expectations of clients

next project with a different client

it’d take 4 weeks

finished in 3

a goal you didn’t meet / a time you didn’t think you were going to meet a commitment you promised

worked as a visual design freelancer

had this big project for a new client.

After one meeting with her

started working on the pieces she had ordered

Spend a lot of time to perfect every detail

When I finished, I sent it all to her

She didn’t like any of it. I had to redo everything

To avoid that situation again

I learned to ask many more questions

& listen better to what the customer wants

I also decided to change my work style

and started to send concepts and drafts
to get their approval

before spending many hours on the various pieces.