The most relevant topic is the impact of Industry 4.0 on the collaboration and cooperation between companies (Q. Li, Wang, Cao, Du, & Luo, 2015). Existing literature shows how networks are increasingly used to overcome barriers related to scarce resources (Coviello & Cox, 2006) or knowledge of new markets (Lu, Zhou, Bruton, & Li, 2010) benefitting from partner contacts especially for early internationalizers (Bembom & Schwens, 2018). Digitalization and Industry 4.0 have further developed the so-called platform economies (Sinkovics & Sinkovics, 2020), improving inter-and intra-industry networks (Q. Li, Luo, Xie, Feng, & Du, 2015) and creating shared platforms between companies. Digital platforms allow high scalability and reinforce network effects increasing the firms ’ growth quickly. This happens because platform firms realize much higher net income and equity per employee than non-platform firms (Verhoef et al., 2019).