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Power and the people - Coggle Diagram
Power and the people
Challenging royal authority Pt.1
Reasons why King John had to sign the Manga Carta 1215
He argued with the pope over the appointment of Stephan Langton. for this reason , England was put under interdict for 5 years.
King john lost his ancestral lands in Normandy , lost the crown jewels and was give the name soft sword and to compensate for the loss of land , he raised curettage tax.
The magna carta did not improve the lives of ordinary people as only free men could benefit from it, Additionally , a year later , king John had the manga carta annulled ; causing another civil war in 1216.
Long term
In the long term . as more people became free , it began to apply to more people and thereby became more significant. It also established the core principals : that the king had responsibilities towards the people and was accountable. It also became a symbol of power of the people as later movements called back to the magna carta. As such , it has become a symbol for democracy.
Short term
In the short term , it did not solve the problem as king john went back in his word. It had a limited scope and only discussed the relations between the barons and the king. It was more significant as king Henry iii imposed it.
Clause of the magna carta.
No unfair taxation
Increased rights for barons as their land was secured for their hairs and that no arrests could be made,
Merchants rights were protected and free trade was imposed.
A group of 25 barons could monitor the king to make sure the magna carta was followed.
The provisions of oxford.
Key individuals.
Like his farther , Henry was not a good military leader. H e lost 2 wars in France and repeated many of the mistakes his farther made.
Simon de montfort was the 6th earl of Leicester and was married ti the kings sister. Relations worsened after he was let go because of his brutality in France.
The king needed money to pay back the pope or else he would be ex-communicated.
Simon de montfort called the great council and at a meeting , the king agreed to the provisions.
The provisions of oxford stated that 15 barons would be in charge of the great council and that all foreign members would be banished. All English castles would be owned by Englishmen and that each county would have a sheriff who would collect taxes locally.
The provisions of Oxford gave the barons more power and made the king accountable.
The king was defeated at the battle of Lewes and was captured.
Many barons turned on Simon de montfrot as they taught he had too much power.
To Increase support , Simon asked merchants and nights to attend the great council. This lead to the first parliamentary democracy
Simon de montfort was killed at the battle of evesham in 1265.
cominers could be consulted - Nights and merchants could be consulted.
Parliament could now approve tax - The establishment of this meant that the king could ask for money whenever he wanted. This change meant that the king could not ask for tax.
It was the first symbol of democracy and was an example for future events.
The aftermath meant that de montfort became a martyr - which inspired future leaders.
The peasants revolt
In the 14th century , the the feudal system was heavily indented into society. After the black death that swept across Europe , workers became more precious and so they had abit more bargaining power.
The statue of labors was put in place in 1351 and tried to put in place the peasants. In order to raise money , king Edward the thirds raised the poll tax.
In Essex , there was upheaval after the introduction of the poll tax. They [peasants ] threaten to kill John Brampton and killed his clerks.
The peasants did not like the church as they saw it as a tool for their oppressions. This caused the death of the arch bishop of cantubary - who was a close advisor to the king.,
On the 14th of June , king Richard meat with watt Tyler and agreed to make all villains free men. Watt Tyler was killed after a scuffle by the mayor of London.
Short term
In the short term , it was the first time that commandos had rebelled against their overheads.. This scared the king and the nobles.
It was also a failure as the rebelion failed and king Richard went back on his words
Villains ye are and villains you shall remain.
Long term
In the long term , the peasants were never taxed as heavily and the peasants wage continued to rise. Over time , more peasants became free men and could own their land.
Challenging royal authority.
The pilgrimage of grace
Reasons for the break away from Rome
The pope would not give him a divorce.
He wanted some of the Church's wealh.
Nearly 1/3 o all the land in England was owned by the Church.
The dissolution of the churches made henry more rich.
The church was a major cenre for the people and their lives.
Many English nobles lost their influence after the change of religion.
Many poor people relied on the monasteries for support. Henry however increased taxes.
In 1536 , an uprising broke out against some of the changes to the church in Yorkshire
Their main aim was to return the England back on the path to Catholicism and for corrupts men like Thomas Cromwell to be gotten rid of.
To appease them , the king sent the Duke of Norfolk to deal with them and the leader Robert aske was asked to spend charismas with the king.
In 1537 , the king executed the rebels and 74 rebels were hanged publicly
The pilgrimage of grace began as peaceful protests against the kings divorce to Catherine of Aragon. The pilgrimage was intended to show their peaceful intentions.
The English revolution
The English revolution was the first time the kings power was challenged and a democracy was put in place.
King Charles ruled without parliament for 11 years because of the use of ship tax. Originally used for costal defenses , he extended it to the whole country.
Religiously , puritans dominated parliament and did not want anyone catholic being made arch bishop. Charles was also a suspected catholic as he married Henrietta - Maria who was French catholic.
King Charles believed that he had the divine right to rule ; therefore , he believed that parliament had no power.
The round heads were parliamentarians who fought under parlemand. They wanted to get rid of the tyrannical system that had allowed for the malfeasance of Charles.
The cavaliers were royalists who fought on the side of king Charles.
The new model army proved to be decisive as earlier on , they were at a standstill as seen through the conflicts at marsden moor. However later on , with the introduction of the new model army , They were able to defeat the king. At the battle of Nasby , the king was defeated. In 1648 , an elaborate scheme had the king invading with the Scottish army.
Challenging Royal Authority Pt.2
P of G 1536
Land owners lost influence
Linked to the queen previously
Felt betrayed
Wanted Catholic Church back
Henry VIII closed monasteries one by one
Took money from monasteries £200,000 annual income
Henry VIII made Church of England to divorce his wife
Low wages
So that King could build up ships and army
High Prices
Closing monasteries made Henry a lot of money
Key individuals
Robert Aske
Wanted restored monastaries
Pope head of chuch
Dismiss King advisers
Seen as the creator for the new religion
Secured Henry divorce
Henry VIII
First broke out in Yorkshire
October 27th Henry met Pilgrims
Army of 8000
List of demands sent to Henry
Pilgrims were 30,000 in number
1537 , there was another outbreak
74 hung
Land owners made to watch
Not successful
Aske arrested and killed 1537
Robert Aske and Henry VIII dinner
Robert lied to
Henry VIII was strengthening Northern forces
Reformers and reforms
The reforms and reformers module focuses on the fight for the equal franchise.
The British electoral system was heavily corrupts. It possessed many rotten boroughs like old sarum which had no people living there and yet the parliamentary representation of two MP's whilst industrial giants like Manchester and Birmingham - which had over 60,000 people had no representation.
Only people with Property could vote and
Only people who owned land could vote and to prove this , you would show your key (pot wollopers)
The Peterloo masacre
As a response to the increesed taxes on the corn , 60,000 peopple meant at st peaters square to listen to henry hunt. Soldires , possiably intoxicated came and brutally stopped this
16 people died and over 600 injured and the six acts was imposed and limited the meeting of more than 50 people.
The great reform act was introduced when more than 8000 people signed a petition calling for reform.
There was no secrete ballots
Much of the working class could still not vote as 1 in 7 men could vote.
Rotten borrows were removed.
New industrial cities received representation.
many people who now urned over £150 could vote.
The chartists
The chartist were a movement that seeked universal suffrage , equal sized consilience , voting in secret , wages for MP , no property qualifications and elections to be held each year.
The chartists sent a petition of over 5 million but really had 2 million. For this fraudulence , they were rejected. Some took to violence's under Fergus o Connor and called for a strike. The physical force chartists broke into prisons and tried to overthrow the monarchy which resulted in 22 men being killed at new port. Chartism had died due to the introduction of workers unions.
Campaigning groups
The corn laws were passed in1815 and were designed to keep the price of wheat high through importing from British farmers. The law was an advantage for the few and a tax on bread.
They wanted trade with other countries , the use of cheap wheat and the ability to spend their wheat on other agricultural goods
There was a great blight in Ireland and no wheat to give them. People starved and the corn laws were repealed.