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Causes and effects of diseases on agricultural production - Coggle Diagram
Causes and effects of diseases on agricultural production
Two types of plant and animal diseases
Endemic --> consistently present within a country or a region
Bovine Johne's disease in cattle, sheep, and goats. Anthrax. Footrot in sheep
Exotic --> introduced diseases
Foot and Mouth disease. avian influenza. Bovine Tuberculosis
Footrot in sheep
Caused by the pathogenic bacterium "Dichelobacter nodosus"
causes painful abscesses between the toes, lameness and weight loss since they cannot properly graze
bacterium will only survive in soil outside the host for a maximum of 4 days. warm weather favours pathogen growth.
overgrown hooves are suitable sites for bacteria growth
Factors contributing to the risk of infectious disease
increased mobility in humans. eg. travelling, importing livestock and plants
rise of intensive and industrialised agriculture. eg. higher stocking densities and compact spaces
Changing environment eg. Deforestation and climate change
Resistance to pesticides and antimicrobials
loss of genetic diversity
increase in 'hobby farmers' essentially individuals who do not know much about farming but want to do it for fun
Causes of infectious diseases in plants and agriculture
Fungi. the most common form of disease. fungi enters plants through their stomata or any other opening caused by mechanical damage
insects and mites. they cause direct damage to the plant tissue. also act as vectors for other pathogens. examples are fruit flies, citrus leaf miner and ladybugs
bacteria. Reservoirs may occur in soil, weeds, and seeds. Humans also harbour bacteria from their hands and contaminated equipment
phytoplasmas are similar to bacteria but they do not have a cell wall
Panama disease in banana's
Caused by a highly contagious fungus named "Fusarium Oxysporum"
Many abiotic factors influence this fungus to grow such as temperature variation, availability of light, chemical agents, water quantity and availability, nutrients in soil
damages the tissue of the plant. it causes the plant to have an "open wound" on its stem and it discolours the tissue.