It was pointed out that it’s about time to tackle extraordinary challenges and
to steer the association towards creating a more fairer and interactive world.
A quick analysis shows that the present situation is engulfed with new
conflicts and unprecedented threats that endanger further sustainable
development. But in a conscientious manner, BRICS is set to handle the
collective tasks and priorities, the fragile situation in Ukraine, the human
catastrophe emerging from the horrific Israeli war against Palestine and its
impact on the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
At the same time, Ukraine appeared in the discussions. It was pointed out
that Russia pays great attention and respects the initiatives put forward by
the BRICS countries regarding a settlement in Ukraine. This includes the
Brazilian initiative, the proposals of the People’s Republic of China, and the
outstanding role of the Republic of South Africa in discussing and
promoting approaches to a potential peace settlement.
In addition, BRICS is also targeting result-oriented work and opportunities
in the developing countries, especially those in the Global South. Its
invaluable platforms are available to ensure cohesive and sustainable
responses to the challenges, and for fostering cooperation and for renewed
multidimensional partnerships, for instance, with Africa.
Despite dozens of applications to join, BRICS added only five new
members on January 1, 2024. Unsurprisingly, Argentina turned down its
invitation, citing sovereign right to make such as a final decision based on
domestic problems and limited internal resources. At present, Algeria,
Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Honduras, Indonesia,
Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Senegal,
Thailand, Venezuela and Vietnam are all awaiting an invitation to join
BRICS after filing an official membership application.
Over those three days (Jan. 30 – Feb. 1) the meeting held ten working
sessions, during which representatives of Russian ministries and
departments, business and academic circles presented detailed briefings on
key areas of cooperation in BRICS and the initiatives of the Russian
chairmanship in the association. BRICS partners have assured to lend their
support for the chairmanship plans and their readiness to vigorously work
together this year.
Fruitful and constructive discussions took place on a number of pressing
issues in the fields of trade and investment, transport and energy,
technology and innovation, and sustainable development. They exchanged
views on strengthening cooperation in the fields of education, healthcare
and sports, and confirmed their focus on maintaining and deepening ties
between business and experts.
This year members will work to implement the BRICS Economic
Partnership Strategy until 2025, including by strengthening supply chains,
developing the digital economy, supporting small and medium-sized
businesses, stimulating tourist flows, and interaction in the field of
transport. They are aimed at launching the BRICS Contact Group on
Climate and Sustainable Development, initiated by the Russian side.
It noted the great potential for cooperation between the BRICS countries in
the field of healthcare, and hope that this year the practical work of the
Integrated Early Warning System for the risks of mass infectious diseases
will be launched. The meeting plans to facilitate the connection of new
countries to the BRICS Vaccine Research Center. There was also the
proposal to create a Medical Association and a BRICS specialized journal.
They welcome the start of the functioning of the Working Group on Nuclear
Under Russia’s presidency, BRICS will also continue focusing on
strengthening cooperation along anti-terrorism, anti-corruption and anti-
drug lines, as well as in the field of international information security, and
continue coordinating the approaches of the BRICS countries to resolving
key foreign policy issues, including at such international platforms as the
UN, G20, and WTO.
They also consider it important to increase humanitarian ties between our
peoples, contacts between ordinary people, and expand opportunities for
mutual enrichment of the countries included in the association.
The BRICS association sees a growing interest of friendly, like-minded
states around the world in developing cooperation with BRICS. They are
impressed by the basic principles on which interaction is based: compliance
with international law, respect for each other’s interests and the right of
each state to a sovereign choice of development path. Responding to the
desire of a wide range of countries to strengthen ties with BRICS, the
association has begun to develop modalities for the category of partner
states of the association. It is envisaged also to actively use the
outreach/BRICS plus dialogue mechanisms to interact with third countries
to make significant contributions to achieving practical results in all areas
of the strategic partnership.
Newcomers at BRICS
BRICS welcomed its newcomers including Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, the
United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, based on the decision by BRICS
leaders made in Johannesburg, officially became full-fledged members from
January 2024. Egypt expects Russia’s BRICS chairmanship to address the
challenges in the area of food and energy security, Egyptian Deputy Foreign
Minister and head of the country’s delegation in BRICS, Ragui al-Etrebi
said at the meeting.
“We are perfectly aware of the fact that gradual integration and new
members completely joining the BRICS work is a serious challenge.
However, we are convinced that under the skilled management, everything
will be managed to successfully solve each of those challenges,” the official
He further touched other important issues such as finances, deepening of
cooperation in such areas as investment and trade, industrial transformation,
the use of ICT [information and communications technologies] for the
interest of development, boosting maritime transport, logistics, as well as
solution of problems of the lack of food and energy security.
Tehran expects the shift to payments in national currencies within BRICS to
increase during Russia’s chairmanship, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister on
economic issues, the republic’s BRICS Sherpa Mehdi Safari said at the
meeting. It was connected with ways to more actively use national and local
currencies and payment tools in cross-border transactions in order to reduce
the negative side effects of the current dollar-dominated global economic
The Iranian side plans to participate actively in BRICS events this year, the
diplomat added. “We are also ready to work on all necessary solutions and
documents for the 16th BRICS summit in Kazan in October,” he noted. “As
far as 2024 is concerned we hope that the economic and financial direction
of cooperation, in particular, the issues of the banking sector, payment
instruments, cancellation of cross-national currency and the use of national
currencies will be solved.”
Lavrov’s Thoughts at BRICS meeting
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a BRICS sherpa and sous-sherpa
meeting on January 31, also outlined the agenda parameters – related to the
objective processes underway and deep transformation of international
architecture. This also connects the present-day notion of multilateralism
and the popular slogan of inclusiveness intended change the global politics,
security and the economy.
“Washington and its European satellites are spending vast amounts of
money to contain Russia, in stark contrast to the Western capitals’ approach
to the Global South, especially the African countries. There are cases where
support for Ukraine is financed by suspending projects in Africa and the
Middle East,” according to Lavrov.
Nevertheless, the Global Majority – the states of Eurasia, the Asia-Pacific
region, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean – gain a
stronger foothold in the world system. Most of these countries are
increasingly asserting their national interests and identities and striving for
genuine strategic independence in pragmatic pathways.
In principle, Russia’s BRICS chairmanship is “Strengthening
Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security” – and as
BRICS is an association with mutual principles for the Global South and
East. Its basic principles are based on mutual respect, a sovereign choice of
development path and the implementation of the fundamental principle of
the UN Charter, that is, the sovereign equality of states.
Lavrov spoke about visible impact of the turbulent geopolitical situation,
the key trends of forming a multi-polar world, emphasised the growing
impact of the cultural and civilisational factor on world politics, and the
importance of facilitating various cooperation mechanisms that would be
resistant to the destructive actions of unfriendly countries. He also pointed
to successful creation of the New Development Bank (NDB) and the
BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Centre.
BRICS Vaccine R&D Center
In March 2022, BRICS made one more huge step forward, perhaps driven
by the Covid-19 pandemic that spread across the world, to launch finally
the BRICS Vaccine R&D Center strongly backed by China. Under the
leadership of Russia, it first proposed cooperation on countering infectious
diseases as a priority for BRICS. The final joint declaration of the 2015
BRICS summit in Ufa, Russia, contains instructions by the leaders to work
consistently on managing the risk of disease outbreaks.
“We are concerned about growing and diversifying global threats posed by
communicable and non-communicable diseases. It has a negative impact on
economic and social development, especially in developing and in the least
developed countries,” stated the 2015 BRICS declaration.
Among the group, China and India are ready stepping up to share
information, and experiences with BRICS members, conduct joint research
and develop drugs and vaccines based on respecting each other’s
sovereignty and national conditions. Later during the rotating chairmanship
of South Africa, it firmly re-proposed the creation of full-scale coordinating
research and development center and planned to be located in
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Nevertheless, there has not been any practical achievements in that
direction. But as China took the helm of BRICS, effective from January
2022, experts and research analysts have since showed deep interests.
Finally, March 22 marked the launch the BRICS Vaccine Research and
Development Center, involving the heads of relevant agencies from the five
countries. The initiative to establish the BRICS Vaccine R&D Center, as
said earlier, was incorporated in the final declaration of the BRICS summit
in Johannesburg, South Africa (July 26-27, 2018).
It has brought together leading research institutions and companies in the
member states – the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil), the Anatoly
Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza (Russia), the Indian Council
of Medical Research (India), the Sinovac Life Sciences company (China)
and South African Medical Research Council (South Africa).
The main objective is to share best practices and strengthen practical
cooperation in research, development, production and distribution of
vaccines to ensure their greater availability as BRICS countries account for
40% of the global population and the potential of research is at the highest
level. It makes possible to swiftly respond to biological threats, coordinate
efforts to control infectious diseases and ensure protection of the
China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin explained, during his
regular media briefing on March 23, that the BRICS Vaccine R&D Center
and workshop on vaccine cooperation would be a network of internet-based
virtual centers, and the establishment of physical centers would only begin
after comprehensive feasibility assessment.
The establishment of the BRICS Vaccine R&D Center demonstrated the
determination of BRICS countries to focus on vaccine cooperation, deepen
public health cooperation and promote public health, scientific and
technological cooperation among BRICS countries. It was first Russia’s
initiative to establish the BRICS Integrated Early Warning System for
preventing mass infectious disease risks, but the Center was created during
the Chinese chairmanship of the BRICS.
BRICS New Development Bank
The New Development Bank (NDB), created by the BRICS countries,
works proactively on financial issues concerning projects in member
countries. The agreement on establishing the BRICS New Development
Bank was reached on July 15, 2014 in Brazil’s Fortaleza. The bank’s
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