Autodesk Construction Cloud Service



Design Collaboration

Coordination Mode


Civil 3D

Autodesk Desktop Connector

Shared Reference Points

Check For Drive in your PC

Workflow to Connect C3D and Revit

Link Methods

Live Link

We Link the main file from Source of BIM 360 Docs


Link Models after consuming every Week or dependent Important Every time you update this file it will update original Model


Link Model From shared Folder for Every Discipline




From Issue management you can open files in Navisworks manage and create your own clash test and sync Issues with teams

Folder Structure





Coordination Space

If use BIM Collaboration / Pro Module

If use Model Coordination Module


Create From

Revit addin

Cloud Web

Navisworks addin




In Review



Root Cause

Collaboration Pro

Co Authoring for Revit, C3D and Plant

Revit cloud worksharing

Collaboration for Civil 3D–Create, edit, and reference Civil 3D files, data shortcuts, and xrefs across teams

Prepare Surface in C3D

Check coordinate system and Meter Unit

Check Units is Meter

Prepare Master Plan of CAD File

Link CAD File in Revit model and acuire coordinate system

Save location of CAD File in shared system

Link Models of Revit

Link Revit in Master File and Move it manually

Link Revit model and cuire coordinate from Master File

Best Practice

Don't Make Array for Linked Models

Save Views for Navisworks

Save View for Elevations

Save Views for Wokring

Save Views with exterior geometry

Link Topography to Revit from Inset Link Topography

Upload Revit Master Model

Check Revit master model in the correct location by export with shared coordinates and link in Surface C3D

Upload/Publish Surface model to ACC

All File Should be same Units Meters


Coordination Space








Every Team has his Own Models and Consumed Models to check clashes with other disciplines

Specific for coordination between all disciplines


Coordination space

You can activate which folder or space will use clash detecion

View Saved by Disciplones

Account Admin





BIM Collaborate/Pro with free Docs + Insight

Autodesk Build+Cost management with free Docs + Insight

AEC Collection with free Docs + Insight

Takeoff with free Docs + Insight

Centralized record for what we send for team member

Create Transmittals

Download and Export Transmittal


Executive overview - Predictive analytics to mitigate Risks for project, use Insights dashboards and cards to gain instant visibility into safety, quality, design and cost risk throughout our project

Data Connector - amplifies the functionality of the reports tool with the ability to extract project data from the company entire portfolio of work, How to schedule and run an extraction of data across projects

Coordination Space


Increase Effeciency

Improve Quality

Reduce Risks


Folder Structure

Set Permissions




Download Files

With the right folder permissions, project members can access and view more than 2D and 3D 60 file format directly from the authoring tool

Create Folder Structure and upload files

For the Field

Project Folder

Automatically syncronized with mobile devices where all project memebers have view access by default

Accessable in web browser, based on permissions assigned to the parent folders and subfolders

Project administrators and users with a manage permissions in " for the field" and "project files" may create folders and sub folder in this parent folders


Assigned by











Note: Permissions levels cascade down from parent folders to subfolders

Best Practice: is to set the strictest permissions at the parent level then open permissions at the subfolder levels. Less strongest permissions override more stringent permissions

Advanced Settings

Allow users with "View" and "Export" Permission in Sheets

Allow users with "View" and "Download" Permission in Files

Files can Share by default 90 day and can increase to maximum 365 days and minimum 30 day

Show Folder Path, this to eliminate if there are any duplication of naming of files, this option show the folder path not the files in folder

Save Time and money

Uploading Documents

First of all Check you are in the right Project and right module

Keep the file name to superseed the version history

Option for any file depending on the permission level

To Receive notification when upload new documents

Click three dots and click subscribe

Navigation 2D views

Depending on permission level attribute, we may be able to create new attribute

Adminstrator and Manage permissions can access deleted file from the project.

Compare Feature by versioning for 2D and 3D documents

Side by Side option


Tools with 2D views



Add photo references to a document



puplished Issues

Unpuplished issues

Visible for all project team

Visible for puplisher of issue assignes

Activity log can view all activities pertaining to the specific issue

Navigation 3D views

navigating 2D sheets and 3D views according to puplished sets from revit

Levels Bottom

Issues Bottom

Model browser

Comparing - We may export this changes to CSV file

Docs can View NWC, NWD and IFC files

Viewing and Editing Microsoft 365 Documents via Web

Can view and Edit - When u Finish Click Return



Power Point


Viewing Documents via Mobile

Plan Grid Build

Log in with your account, u will find the files in the folder for the field

Viewing other .D file format like rvt, NWC, NWD and IFC

Download Files and Folders

Three ways to download

3 Dots- Download Source Files which is create ZIP file and save folder structure

Go to folder and select any number of files and download - then 3 Dots and download source files

We can download while viewing by 3 Dots and download source files

Publishing Sheet from PDF documents

From the folder that contains sheets -> select the file and click publish then check naming and number then click publish


Executive Overview


Based on aggregated project data insight provides analytics and predictive insights

Identify gaps and problems

Use predictive risk data to improve project efficiency



Tyoes of Dashboards

Cards - Customizing



Project Controls





add from Card Library

Search with the word u need and select the box to get card related both

Setting Card

hide card

we can control the data display by allowing us to adjust the rime period

Project Issues have ddditional option

select project issues

Filter and select

project Issues can have additional details will appear in Build module

Sharing Dashboards

Project admin can create shared dashboards, can see + sign next to dashboards to make dashboards that need customization

Collaborate in real time

Onboard team members

Present Key metrics

Project Admins can control visible of dashboard

All project members

Select project members

Only Me

Only Customize Dashboards can shared with others, we can;t shared my dashboard, Maximum 100 dashboard per project

Construction IQ

Data presented in Insight tool depends on our project permissions and the permissions associated with our assigned role

Construction IQ help projects teams manage risk and improve performance daily, it applies analytical techniques and machine learning to project data to transform information into simple, actionable Insight

Risks dashboard uses algorithms to sort through hundreds or thousands issues to capture and prioritize the highest safety, quality, design, RFI and subcontractor risk that need attentions every day

Construction IQ Examin (Risk)










Root Causes

High Risk if involves one or more factors such as risk of a fall, water hazard, becoming overdue and more


Not every issue construction IQ identifies as high risk, maybe a high risk issue

Construction IQ may not detect every high-risk issue

it's recommended to use construction IQ as an assistant to manage risk and conjunction with current safety processes

iting project or subcontractor as high risk is automatically generated suggestion by Construction IQ based on the number of associated high risk issues

The type that the issue is calssified as also dictates which construction QI card reflects that data




Teams that document all project related details through various Autodesk Build tools yield greater accuracy from the predictive insights created by construction IQ

Target users for construction IQ

Projects leads

Project Details


Project managers

Project Risk overview

Safety Risk overview

Subcontractor Risk level

Safety observations

Design Risk overview

Quality and Project controls

Risk Dashboard







Only Project Adminstrator have access to this dashboard

the only dashboard uses construction IQ cards execlusively by default

Assestment daily project

based on project data and Construction IQ analytics

Automatically assign Risk severity, Categorize risk, calculate Risk and display it through this cards

Risk Level Card

Like quality and High safety risks

Don;t indicate whether a project is well managed rather they indicate that the project has higher than normal risk level for that day

Subcontractor Risk

Indicate the overall risk over the course of the project

3 = Medium

4 to 5 = Low Riks

1 to 2 = High Risk

This risk level doesn't necessarily suggest that this subcontractor is a risk to the project, it could just be number of issues company is working on that day are considered risk and it worth alerting Project lead about this

Design Dashboard

Provides views of trends and patterns around outstanding design and coordination issues then reviews and identifies the companies responsible for resolving them

Recommendation: Use Autodesk Build Tools: Issues and review in conjunction with insight design dashboard to improve the design review processes

The Design dashboard helps avoid costly RFIs and late-stage issue resolution stemming from design problems

Note: Only the project Adminstrators may access the Design Dashboard

Make sure that our team members are classifying issue types and root causes to view most accurate Construction IQ analytics

Construction IQ analyzies design review issues to predict critical issues such as Code Compliance issues, critical building components and Errors and Omissions in design and Documentation

Projects Control

only use 1 Constructioon IQ card

Only Project Adminstator can access this dashboard

RFI Focus

RFI Risk Factor: which is use machine learninig technology to identify RFIs and categorized them as

High Risk

Design and Coordination

MEP and Structural RFI

Documentation Errors

Code Compliants

Quality Dashboard

Only Project Adminstator can access this dashboard

Project Adminstrator can manually edit Risk Level and Categories, which help improve machine learning accuracy

you can open any card which is used Constructino IQ to see what's made it from and Edit by Project Adminstator to control machine learning works.

Issues used

Safety Dashboard


Safety Issues status

Safety observation

Safety hazards

Safety Risk

Subcontractors with the Highest daily Safety Risk

Only Project Adminstator can access this dashboard

Have basic and Construction IQ cards

Issue risk level based on

Risk Issue type


Days Open


Brand Partner Card

it's about add pranded partner card to dashboard and access data from partner application

a Black or generic patner card template displays data from third party apps that don't have a branded partner card in the library yet

Blank Partner Card

we must embed Iframe-compatible URL provided by the partner application into the Card

Card Title

Card URL

Share views

Select Relevant file

Select 3D view and 2D sheets

Select desired 3D view

from 3Dots select Data exchange

Click the Save to field and select a folder to save your Data Exchange.

Note: Data Exchanges do not display on mobile.

Project Template

Create New Template

Create Template from Existing

View All Projects

You as Project Admin Should define you Permission and open Modules. then define 1 member and open the scope of modules that you will use



Design Collaboration

Add members here is to allow member edit template here but not edit any project ... just template

Project Members

Project Adminstrators

Can edit Template settings

View Project Settings

IT as Project Admin member

QA specialist can build certain structure or form within template

Manage Product access

Define Folder Structure

Add Review Flow




Share Folder



Project Templates



BIM 360 Admin

Account Permissions

Allow project administrators to add partner companies

Allow project administrators to create projects and project templates







Take Off



Create Form Template which it can add to any project template

Only Account Administrators can edit and add content objects at the account level

Ways to be come account administrator

When an account administrator invite us to be account admin also

Working with Autodesk sales team

Start Trial for ACC

Asking about Autodesk ID for 2nd and 3rd way

Manage Project Admin

Can create project

Can create Templates

Edit and Create Library ( Forms and Cost Forms)

Add team member and add Project admins

Restore projects from Archive

Managing Account Member Permissions and Subscriptions

Manage Role

Manage Subscription

Access Level

Account Admin


Best Practice: User who is working for multi projects wouldn't take a Role

They Can

Edit Projects Profiles / Information

Manage Project team members and permissions

Add member roles and company affiliations

Work with project templates

Can create Projects

They have administrative permissions


While this only give users access to selected products, they still need a license to access this


Edit Project Information






Assets can assign location to indicate where
problem exists

Project member applies to those who need view only access to all tools, but depending on their company or role, specific permissions may vary.

They should have Product access or Trial subscription

Both Role and Company affiliations can use to standardized projects members access

The user always get access to the highest permission granted to them by virtue of their user, company, role or group

Setup location for Projects

First of all Check you are in the right Project and right module

Issues Configuration

Search and Sort the issue log

configure types and categories

Create and close issues

If there are any Negative thing hapend and we need to track it under this root cause

Types - it have built in types and you can create your own



Custom Fields --> Use for Category and Type of Issue

Unique infromation that useful for our project




Drop Down - Select from choices

Numeric - only Numbers

Paragraph - Accept large texts

Text - Short text

After Creation - u need to add to type

Then Add custom field


Every one of the project can see issues assign to him individually or assign to it's role or company

Create for my company

Create for others company

Manage Issues

Manage member permission

Can add issues but within the company - team members can't close this issues - Ideal for Subcontractor

create, assign, view published issues - team members can assign the status but can't close the issue - ideal for Owners and architecture they create issue and assign them to general contractor or subcontractor

Allows members to create, view, and edit any fields - ideal for Project managers, safety managers, and quality managers

Organized by Role



Root Cause

Teams create folder - Recommend to create in Resources folder used as Share Area with External team

Internal Work in progress

Create Folder for team in which specific area that you Choose

Be careful when you are working with this folder because it do once

Remember - Issues on Mobile is only available on Build Module

Instead of Deleting Issues we can edit it's content.

Create review workflow to control reviewing

3Dots have a lot of features




What Should we Review

An Entire Folder

Multiple Folder

A single File


Team Setup


Shared Folder


Main Model

DWG Support

Add teams -- to Design Collaboration -- 2 Folder Created

Best Practice: it depends on how you will Link files

The Shared folder is a common space in the project and includes subfolders for each team.

One time creation can't edit or Moved

First for Team and Consume folder

Second for Shared folder as subfolder

Select from Existing folder

This way if you have folder for Team already exist and it will create

Consume folder as Subfolder

Same team Name folder in Shared folder

Design Collaboration Can detect if eligable models is available in such a folder and recommend if you need to create Coordination space

Just Click Refresh and click New team discovered

Folders created in Coordination Affect the Model Coordination Module

If all Folders Deactivate NO MORE Coordination in the Project


As Project Administrator all become members

by select check box next to team name you can add or remove team members and assign permission

Deleting and Deactivating Team Spaces

Delete one team only at time

You can delete team not consume or share sheets

If Deactivate team you just see the last consume files

We can select model shared in timeline

Identifying a main model helps Design collaboration set details for levels and phases

If we Don't choose main model Design Collaboration choose the biggest published model

This Option prevent sharing or viewing DWG Files

We can deactivate DWG files if we have many DWG files and it affects the performance

Revit Files

Upload Revit files to ACC Cloud


Language from setting can be edited for all reports


Assigned item by company

Issue Detail

Issue Summary





Details Report

You can add more filter

Share Report

Issues Summary

Copy Link

Share Report

with or with out Autodesk licenses

Assess trends and patterns in project data

Get up to speed with what’s going on in the project

Data Connector

Amplifies the functionality of the reports tools with extract the project data from company's entire portfolio

You must have executive access if not have contact with Account Adminstrative

How to schedule and run an extraction of data across projects

Import a spreadsheet of your issues that conforms to the Issues Spreadsheet format. You can import one spreadsheet with up to 500 issues.


Markups can do in 2D files only

When files copy markup don't copy

Manage BIM 360 Projects

2- if the executive overview doesn't appear contact the account administration to request the access level

1- To access the executive overview and data connector u need the Executive acess level

You can't add New Roles in ACC




click to edit

click to edit


Upload Sheets

Drag Files/Upload

Multiple comprised PDF

Separate PDF

Version Set


Issuance Date

Sheet Numbers

Define Sheets Number Automatically

Define manually

By Draw Area

Edit Sheet number

Use file name

number sheets sequantially

Edit with Rule

Define Sheets Name

Upload from Docs

markups on file won't be included in publish sheets

Upload Revision

Automatically Upload Revisions when it comes by the same name


Project Admin Course





As built




Review Submittals


General Contractor

Submit thier Shopdrawings

Material Data Sheets

Will receive this submittal and forward them for Design or Engineering Team


They can request additional information


Responsible contractor

typically, a subcontractor. This role is responsible for submitting documents for approval. 

Submittal manager

A Submittal manager is typically a general contractor.

Creating items and packages

Assigning items to responsible contractors and reviewers 

Creating the review workflow 

Sending items to review 

Closing and distributing items 

Required reviewer

A Required reviewer is typically an architect or member of the design team

Optional reviewer

An Optional reviewer is typically an engineer or consultant who is asked to give feedback.


Watchers are various project stakeholders who receive notifications via email on status changes for submittal items.

Can manage by Versions you can add comments and additional elements

Accepting and Rejection workflow

you can attach Project Issues, files, photos

Allow us to accurately log work and activities throughout the day

Also duplicate, reference and export them at any time-----sing Mobile or Laptop


Discipline affected

Modification Types

Safety Check list

Daily Report

Create Form from template


