image Ticking clock

Time's running out for him

image Brother in white

Beacon of hope

image Drunken lens in Vidal's POV

Sympathy for the monsters, since we're in his POV

Slight dutch tilt to make it obvious that he's drunk

image Golden yellow explosions

The aesthetic of the fantasy world against the cold blue of the real world

Both worlds are crashing into one aother

image The fascists are destroyed in this film

NOT what happens in real life

A fantasy version of real events

image Ofelia's room is golden

Colour of the rebels

Shows what side she's on

image Hidden edits in the labyrinth

Makes the maze more confusing

Just as Mercedes predicted!

image Ofelia gets a short cut in the same shot as Vidal is in

image Both worlds exist, living and breathing together

image The faun gets younger as the film goes on

Makes him seem more suspicious that the faun is tricking Ofelia for his own gain, so that Ofelia has to rely on her rebellious instinct

image "You promised to obey me!"

Just like Vidal and the fascists

Testing her

image Where's the faun????

From the perspective of Vidal, one who doesn't believe

image Shot in the vagina

image Bleeds at full moon

Lunar cycle = menstrual cycle = 28 days

Turning Red (2022)

image Vidal still gives orders

Doesn't understand what's going on

image Obsession with control and order

image Shot around the eye

image Like the pale man

image Like the totem

Represents the cruelty in both worlds

image The fantasy world

image Ofelia's clothes are red and yellow, the colours of the Spanish flag

The spirit of Spain in human form

image Red boots

Wizard of Oz reference

image Phallic symbolism on the throne

Still a man's world

image Warm and welcoming, like the real world in the opening scene

image The opposite of the cold and gloomy fantasy world in the opening scene

Ofelia's world(s)view changes throughout the film based on her opinion on both of them

image The real world is back to it's warm and welcoming self

Conflict resolved

image The final shot

The nutrients are growing back

Is the fantasy world real???

The flower is yonic shaped

The beauty of a woman's independence

Similar architecture to the Sagrada Familia, a catholic church in Spain

How the Catholic church in Spain should be, compared to the one in the real world

Yonic symbolism on that tree