
part 1

Impacts of the first world war.

The Kaiser.

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early history

German unification was lead by the kingdom of Prussia which was the strongest and the largest of the 25 states in 1871.

The army was lead by the Prussian officers who reported directly to the emperor who was the king of Prussia.

the German leva system was dominated by Prussian nobles and landowners in the yunker class.


in the past , Germany had experienced rapid industrialisation.

society was heavily agricultural. however , this all changed with the introduction to the modern industry in manufacturing as seen through the new electrical products - siemens and AEG , chemical and motor construction as seen through the Karl Benz and gottlieb Delmer.

By 1900 , Germany had the largest industrial economy in Europe.

In 1910 , 60% of all Germans lived in cities; the population of berlin doubled and other cities like Munich and Essen grew rapidly,

This culminated to 48 cities German towns having a population greater than 100,000 whilst in 1871 , there were only 8.

Social reforms

The social insurance system and health care , accidents and disabilities and told age had been introduced by bismark.

The SPD worked to pass further social reforms that were designed to improve the working conditions of the working class such as the social law which banned Sunday working and children under 13 from working.

All the social reforms were met by opposition with the Yunker and industrialists who wanted to limit the influence of the socialists and to introduce modest reforms to keep workers happy and loyal.

The growth of socialism

By 1910 , there were only 10,86 million industial workers in Germany , making them the largest group in German society.

This gave the workers a large hold on the polls and so , they were able to influence the vote. This is true as they largely supported the growing SPD.

the party grew to be the largest party in 1912 and the rise in the support of the SPD troubled the Kaiser who introduced new reforms to reduce the support the SPD had. This culminated in the passing of the anti communist laws in 1890.

The naval laws.

By 1989 , Germany massively began to expand its navy. This was a key part of their policy known as Weltpolitik.

The policy was designed to turn Germany into a world superpower by building up its oversea empire , growing in world trade and increasing its naval power.

The naval laws were intended to help Germany find its place in the sun , and to rival the naval might of Great Britain.


The British naval blockade had caused many food shortages. There had been 293,000 Germans who died from salvation and hypothermia in 1918.

The brocade combined with the war on two frons limited the ability to trade , which was the basis for its prewar economic growth. Following this , its chemical industry collapsed.

The German workers wages were falling rapidly and by 1989 , the salaries for miners had fallen by 60%.

These events caused the Generals , PVH , to ask the Kaiser for an armistice.

The end of the monarchy

The Kiel mutanied on the 3rd of November occurred when the German sailors mutanied instead of following orders to attack the British navy.

The sailors mutany sparked rebellion's all over Germany and resulted in the collapse of the German Government.

This action caused the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm the second on the 9th of November.

Fredrich Ebert , the leader of SPD , cease the chancellor and took power over Germany and on the 11th of November , the war came to an end with the armistice.


The treaty took over 70,000 square kilometers from Germany and gave it to neighboring countries.

Germany's army was reduced to only 100,000 men with no submarines and the air force scrapped. in addition , Germany had to accept the war guilt. They were never to unite with Austria.

Many Germans referd to the treaty as unfair and the men that sighed tit as the November criminals.

The occupation of the Ruhr was an event in 1921 when Germany had paid their first installment of 132 million gold marks , yet failed to pay the second installation.

By 1922 , the they had announced that they could not afford to pay it off for the next three years. The French refused to believe this and so invaded the Ruhr. The French numbered 60,000 with the aid of Belgian troops seized major economic regions.

The Germans responded with initiating passive resistance which resulted in the expulsion of 150,000 people.

Hyper inflation

The wiermar government printed out more money to help out in the Ruhr to help the workers carry their strike.

This action resulted in the money becoming more and more worthless.

In 1923 , you needed 7000 marks to by 1 dollar and a year later , a dollar could by 130,000 marks. The price of the Mark grew exponentially.

People's pensions and money became worthless and some of the people with dealt gained was wiped out. The wages of a worker who kept their job rose with inflation.

Businessmen sufferd as they could not buy food : : from abroad.

The Jewish businessmen kept their savings in foreign banks which were unaffected,



During the 5-12 of January 1919 , 50,000 members of a post war communist party , known as the separatists , rebelled in Berlin.

The government was saved by the ex-soldiers known as the freikorps , who defeated the Spartacist rebels.

This resulted in many comunist workers being seized.

The Kapp putsch

The freikorps , ex soldiers , saved the government but found the treaty of versille harsh as they had been disbanded.

During the march of 1920 , they resulted and took over berlin. Kapp wanted to be loosed form the TOV.

As many of the army were also members of the freikorps , attacking was useless. Instead , Kapp was defeated when the workers went on a strike and did not cooperate.

Munich putch

They claimed they started a national revolution.

Karh said he would but later went on his word. 16 Nazis were shot dead and hitelr was arrested.

ON November the 8 , 1923 , 600 Nazis met and surrounded a bear hall in Bavaria where Kahr was.