Judaism foundations
The convenant is a promise made to God in the bible
The first one was broken by Adam and Eve and The tree of knowledge of good and bad. God told Adam and Eve not to eat from.
The serpent (snake) convinced Eve to eat from the tree, that it would only bring them good things. When they ate from the tree they were able to see- they knew that they were naked
God found out that they had eaten from the tree and expelled them from the Garden of Eden (where the tree was located).
The 2nd covenant was with Noah God promised that if he established the covenant then there shall never be another flood
the third was with Abraham; God promised him to make him the father of a nation if he cut off is foreskin, sacrifice his son Issac, and tested Abrahams faith
Sarah was married to Abraham and the mother of Issac
Issac and Ishamel the sons of Abraham; God asked Abraham to give him one of his son as part of the convenant
Job- suffered great loss and grief and questioned his faith; then started to believe that God neither rewards people for their faith and virtue nor punishes them
He answered the questions like why do good things happen to bad people
God destroyed the temple of Soloman because of the wickedness of his inhabitants- Issiah interprets this misfortune as a lack of fidelity to the covenant
Following this waited for the messiah- which was to bring peace, bliss, and justice
After the destruction of the temple a different branch- Pharisses was born. Believed in oral tradition, the Judaism practiced today
Saduccees- were involved in preisthood and rejected oral tradition- lives revolved around the temple
Essenes- immortality and divine punishment for sin. did not partcipate in public life
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Four different sects to Judiasm:
Zealots- were a political group that completely opposed Roman rule
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The 10 commandments: principles in the Judaism faith that provide a basic of ethics and morals, ex: you shall not kill, keep the sabbath day holy, you shall have no other gods before me
total of 613 commandments in the Torah that cover many aspects of daily life
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Maimoindes 13 principles- are the principles of Jewish faith. They describe how the torah is divine, omniscience God, arrival of the Torah and others
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different types of Judaism
Orthadox Judiasm- believes that the Jewish people left the slavery of Egypt and rendezvoused with God at a mountain called Sinai
Reform Judaism- Some synagogues are performed in english instead of Hebrew, developed partly out of a need for internal religious changes and partly because of wider factors operating in society at large.
Conservative Judaism- that falls halfway between Orthodox Judaism and Reform Judaism
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