Understand - Ko te pipi te tuatahi, ko te kaunuku te tuarua. People use their agency to respond to injustice. Access to power and its use and misuse shape life experiences. Individuals, groups, and organisations exert and contest power in ways that improve the lives of people and communities, and in ways that lead to exclusion, injustice, and conflict. The course of Aotearoa New Zealand’s history has been shaped by the exercise and effects of power.
Know: Government and Organisation Societies create systems and laws for the common good. Some people are excluded from decision-making processes within organisations and the state, creating inequalities and injustice. People adopt different roles in response to community challenges, sometimes acting individually and sometimes organising themselves collectively.
Do ask a range of appropriate questions about current social issues. I can gather information from primary and secondary sources, considering their reliability and identifying gaps in them. I can process information using social science conventions (e.g., graphs and maps) to communicate my ideas effectively, reflecting on the process used and how it relates to an inquiry
Do engage with people in respectful and ethical ways in order to understand their perspectives. I can explore and explain multiple perspectives that people hold about an idea, and analyse and categorise people’s viewpoints and perspectives, including my own
Do analyse reasons for social decisions and actions, and generate ideas with others for possible social actions and use criteria to assess them. Before I take action, I can reflect on its possible impact and how I will take into account people’s responses to it.
Human Rights Story Discussion Questions and Activities 1. Each of these stories highlighted a human rights activist hero. Research current global human rights issues. 2. What is a human rights cause you believe in? Who is making a positive difference? 3. What can you do? Create an action plan and get others involved.