section 3 The nation comes apart (Yun muhyun)

The election of 1856

nominating candidates

Democratic party

Republican party

Know-Nothing party

James Buchanan (cause)

There was no connection to Bleeding Kansas

no abolitionist who would offend the south

John C. Fremont


‘free speech, free press, free soil, free men, Fremont’

Slavery issue splits the country

campaign became not national but sectional

Fremont and Fillmore were Buchanan's opponents


The election was won by James Buchanan

Dred Scott v. Sanford,1857.

Dred Scott lived in Illinois

The Missourian returned to his home state

His freedom was sought through a lawsuit

Supreme Court decision

As a non-citizen of Missouri, he could not file a lawsuit

He remained a slave despite his travels

opinion of Roger B. Taney

‘was Scott a citizen?

‘was he free?

Citizenship was not possible for blacks

Only white men made the constitution

answer is no

A slave was his owner's property.

Because Congress lacked the power to intervene in slavery

therefore all states became slave states.


The Supreme Court exacerbated the nation's divisions

pushed the country closer to conflict.

The Lecompton constitution

conference met at Lecompton to draw up

charter underneath which Kansas may come into the Union as a state

most delegates liked slavery

Free-Soilers refused to take phase in the election of delegates


Lecompton Constitution was adopted with slavery

The majority of Kansas people did not want slavery.

Douglas breaks with Buchanan

Stephen A. Douglas

claimed popular sovereignty

No government had the right to force slavery or freedom on anyone

Constitute a new constitution in Kansas, and put it to a public vote


From the beginning of the Civil War until the end of the war

Kansas remained a territory

Lincoln against Douglas

Abraham Lincoln

It was he who nominated Republican candidate in Illinois

Nationally unknown

House will cease to divide,

Union will not be dissolved

Douglas vs Lincoln

they have different idea

Slavery is morally wrong

Slave and free states could coexist in peace



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Lincoln-Douglas debates, 1858


Douglas claimed popular sovereignty

All territories must be free of slavery due to Dred Scott

MAIN point

Lincoln asked

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'whether the people of a territory could lawfully exclude slavery before they had become a state’

John Brown’s raid, Harpers Ferry, 1859

John Brown

To invade the South, he armed the slaves

let them fight for their freedom

Virginia immediately rose against the invasion

Brown and his followers

corpse on the gallows or killed during repress


Brown's death inspires a thousand people

stake their lives in the fight against slavery.


stake their lives in the fight against slavery.