Musculoskeletal Disorders--Linh Tran
Destiny Josling, Emily Stephenson, Emily Carson, Kayla Rawlings, Sydney Warren

Linh Tran

76 years old

History of osteoarthritis(10 years) and osteoporosis, hypertension

2 children who visit often, she sees her 2 grandkids 3 times a week


Naproxen once daily for arthritis


Does she take medication for her hypertension?

Alendronate for osteoporosis

Chief Concern

Hospital Medications


Put on antibiotics


Warfarin--Held due to INR of 5

Vitamin K

advised to use acetaminophen for pain

Fall at home, brought in by ambulance

X-ray confirms Right Hip fracture

Findings of palor and absence of pedal pulse in right foot

Compartment syndrome---Taken to OR to repair RT hip fracture


Good canadiate for Rehab


Rehab for 3 weeks before being discharged

2 days in ICU following complaints of chest pain and SOB

Antiembolic stockings


Home care nurse completes a needs assessment for adaptive equipment

Discharge instructions are given

Follow-up appointments made

When stockings are removed the nurse notes that the right leg is red, warm, and edematous and immediately places Linh on bedrest.


Why did the symptoms of blood clot or DVT occur considering she was on a blood thinner?

Why was she put on antibiotics?

Did she have a follow-up blood culture for her INR?

Was she taking any calcium or vitamin D supplements while she was on alendronate?

Lives in an apartment building for older adults

Joint pain in the right knee worsening

Widowed female

Did the joint pain in her right knee worsen her fall?