Charisma and attraction

how to be attractive as a nerd

dont hide your interests

show excitement

if you talk with embaresement, the other person will assume it is embarassing

low volume

looking down

hesitating when you speak

sharing your enthusiasm about anything is endearing

come through in your voice

facial expressions

hand gestures

make your interests relatable/interested to them

create a connection

spike desire/attraction

relate your passion to something you know the person will understand

its like ....(something they will understand)

LOL (you play online with 5 frriends like baskate ball)

give them chances to opt in or opt out of the conversation

have interests that don't let you get put easily into a box

you are more attractive if people cant predict you based on a stereotype

have a viriety of interests and get that across conversation

dont hide your interest because you fear rejection

embrace being polerizing

try to imagine positive outcomes but with no expectations

make her think about you


woman dont find fast responsive man attractive

attraction grows in space

woman are more attracted to man with strenght and confidence then really nice guys

dont show that you are easy to please


dont show that you are selled right away

be funny

high energy and entusiastic


use more strong words

speak 20% louder/enthusiastic

tease/provoque (over the top teasing)

with absurd questions that make her lauft

tease with a cliche callout

"that is so unusual to hear from a actress"

use her traits/personalities/profession/country

create a frame where they seek your approval

reserve the cliche about something that they wont be insicure about

with a fun tone without make them being insicure

call yourself out too

if you do that people will see that you are not taking any of that serious

make it fun rather than cheesy

being playfully absurd

start almost every conversation in a fun positive way

talk about something interesting to them to make a connection

build chemestry

create emotions

create fun conversations and establish that you are more playful than most people

create a environvmnet that make people feels safe flirting and being sexual

just for fun

not being jujgmental

have a casual and confident tone

playfully misnterpret someting so that she was the one who took the conversation sexual

go first on your on by a joke that isn't about them

say something innocent but that has a double meaning

aways move to something new

being interested without being cheesy or give yourself too much






flirt to world

leaned back body language


not seeing creepy

not seeing try hard

fisical touch

high five

shoulder touches


be confontable with the worse case scenario

purposfly create an awkward pause

find harmles ways to expend your confort zone

simply talk to more strangers

quick off with good phrases

hey I know this is totally random but you're absolutly gorgeous I'd be kicking myself for the rest of the day if I didn't find out more about you

why you hate america

make clear that you are being playful