
at shopping malls

at hypermarkets





Freedom of Selection

Fixed Prices

low prices

allows shoppers to find and purchase a wide assortment of consumer goods in one location.

Difficult for Customers in Making Selections

Possibility of Spoil of Perishable Goods

Also it is definitely uncomfortable to rush into the big market just to buy a few things like milk, a chocolate bar

Walking through the shelves you almost always put in the basket much more things that you originaly intended to buy.

Allows shoppers to find and purchase a wide assortment of consumer goods in one location.


it became waste of money

Visiting a mall is advantageous because of the numerous stores housed in one complex.

It is possible to spend an entire day out at the mall, shopping, eating, taking in a movie or playing games.

Excessive crowding, especially on weekends and holidays

Senior citizens with mobility problems may have difficulty in traversing the mall, because of the largeness of the place.