advantages and disadvantages of FDI




Foreign Direct Investment is seen as the fundamental part for an open and successful
international economic system and a major mechanism for development.

In last decades, the importance of FDI has significantly increased due to globalization process,

which offers huge opportunities for mostly developing countries to reach faster economic growth through trade and investment

It cant be denied that FDI brings a lot of advantages for a host country but there will
also be some drawbacks.

In this essay, I will discuss both sides towards this issue.

Foreign direct investment can make a positive contribution to a host economy.

Host countries can be transferred capital, technology, management skills from home country

thus it can improve the efficiency of operation and economic development.

FDI can increase the competitiveness of the domestic economy

thereby, it helps to improve the quality of products as well as the process to create products.

FDI can also improve human resources and generate new employment opportunities for the host country.

Foreign direct investment creates educational opportunities so that people can improve their personal skill base.

With better skills, higher wages can be earned, Greater productivity levels are achieved.

However, FDI also brings some disadvantages to the host country.

Displacement of Local Businesses

The entry of large foreign firms may drive out local businesses that simply cannot compete.

Investors may over-exploit human and other natural resources.

For example, they may pay less labour, clear land to set up factories and dump hazardous waste into the environment.

On the other hand, in the longrun, balance of payments position of the host economy is
jeopardised with the investor outlay.

Once the initial investment starts to turn profitable, it is inevitable that capital will return to the home country


In conclusion, although there are certain disadvantages but its advantages are much more

FDI not only serves as a source of capital inflow into host economies,

but also helps to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic economy

through transferring technology

strengthening infrastructure

raising productivity

and generating new employment opportunities.